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Stacey Pippin

April 5-9, 2021

Here's hoping everyone had a restful 3-day weekend and Happy Easter!

It was such a beautiful weekend!


Tuesday - David Stockton

Saturday - Beth Johnson

Arrival: Breakfast: Stowe & Tree, Front: Bryant & Harron, Bus: Maddeaux

Dismissal: Maroon team (Bus- Bartels & Jessen, Front- Herron & Davis, Walkers-Douglas)

Please walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Maroon team will want to come just before the 2:57/3:27 pm bell. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales

  • Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A Week

Weekly News Show:

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Fundraiser - Please be sure to talk with your classes about our fundraiser this week and encourage them to participate. The first few days (Tues.-Fri.) will likely be the biggest days. All money raised will benefit our end-of-year celebrations and items for our playground (ie. outdoor seating, etc.). Info to go home with students should be in your mailbox on Monday.

-Team meetings: Shawnda or I will stop by to check-in on team reading goal/data folder updates, but do not plan to take the whole time.

-Spring conference end of week results: Please be sure you have completed your conferences held totals and individual hours work log. We still have a few not complete.

-Poetry Month - Mr. Stockton and others have been working hard to prepare some fun for students. Please pay attention to details about how to participate in our weekly news show!

Adult Learning Weekly Blog Spot from Mrs. Maddeaux:

In honor of April being Poetry Month...

There once was a teacher named Stacey,

who found conference week to be rather crazy.

Between lessons, projects, and meetings

time to interview friends was quite fleeting.

I promise she wasn't just lazy! :)

And that, my friends, is my deeply hidden talent (not really... poetry is hard!)! Please please please, turn in your friends' hidden talents on this form! (I think I overheard that someone is a chess master?) I promise I will get someone else's voice in here next week!

To continue with the theme of Poetry Month, work with your accountability partner to craft a poem about where we are in the school year. Accomplishments, trials, hopes, wishes.... I will provide some outlines for those of us that are not quite as ELA minded! Write it up pretty and turn it in. We will post them in the teachers lounge. Check them out this week and maybe leave a little note about how it made you feel!

Events This Week


-Navy team-DARE

-Early Out:

  • 3:10-3:25 pm - Accountability Partners

  • 3:25-3:40 pm - Share out: Lead time ideas from Mrs. Maddeaux

  • 3:45-4:30 pm - Action team meetings


-Fundraiser Kick-off: Share virtual video assembly during Lead Time TODAY and send home student informational packets.

-Librarian Appreciation Day

-Library Closed from 10:00 am -12:45 pm (David is attending a Lighthouse facilitator meeting)

-5th math collaboration day (Tait, Steinbach and Taylor out)

-Clubs: Anime (7:40 am), 5th Reading Club


-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am

-Stacey/Shawnda out in AM for Super Lead Team meeting

-Fundraiser: Golden Tickets turned in. Please collect these for your homeroom class and send to the office clipped together. Drawing in the afternoon for the iPad and prizes delivered for all students who entered 10 names.

-Club: 6th Band, 6th Cheerleading try-outs


-SPED staffing @ 7:30 am

-Fundraiser: Drawing in the afternoon for the Mini Fridge. All students completing at least 20 names are entered for this prize. Also, Second chance Golden Tickets (IF we have enough prizes-announcement will be made on Wed.)

-Interviews for open 6th ELA/SS position in PM

-Club: 6th Reading Club, 6th Cheerleading try-outs


-Community Time @ 8:35 am (Maroon team is leading this week.)

-Student Lighthouse students attend Leadership Day at Willard Central in AM (Student List & details)

-Dr. Teeter Site Visit (8:45-9:30 am)

-Fundraiser: Drawing in the afternoon for the Mini Fridge. All students completing at least 20 names are entered for this prize.

-Beth will be out of the building today

-Yearbook orders are due

-Club: 6th Band, 6th Cheerleading try-outs

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Breakfast: Johnson/Bushnell/Berry & Tree, Front: Wilson & Hudson, Bus: Stockton

  • Dismissal – Navy team (Bus- Cones & Muller, Front-Tutton & Steinbach, Walkers-Bryant)

-Spring MRA Survey Window - April 12-21

-Stacey & Shawnda will be out of the building April 13-15 for a district LIM training. We will have a teacher filling in each day in the office to assist: Tues.-Johnson/Taylor; Wed.-Herron; Thurs.-Hayes

-Fundraiser continues

Monday – Early Out Meeting: MAP training; Staff MRA Spring Survey

Tuesday – Clubs: Anime, 5th Reading, Drama Llamas, Mammogram Bus at WIS

Wednesday - Lighthouse team meeting, Club: 6th Band

Thursday - Club: 6th Reading

Friday - Students MRA Spring Survey in Lead Time, Last day for fundraiser, Club: 6th Band

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