Monday - Jennifer Fisher, Stacey Pippin
Arrival: Breakfast: Tree & Johnson, Front: Bauer & Berger, Bus: Surber
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus- Steinbach & Tutton, Front- Cones & Muller, Walkers-Bauer)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:00-Teal & Green, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:31-Teal & Green, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week
Weekly News Show:
**Special thanks to Mr. Stockton and our media leaders for getting this started so quickly! Be sure to show it on Monday to your class. **
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
WIS shared picture folder - This folder is a place to include classroom and staff pictures throughout the year. It is also linked on our dashboard.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Team meetings will be held this week as noted on the day’s below. Topics include: NWEA testing, team behavior steps/calm down space, parent communication, team WIG check-in
-Seating charts - All seating charts should be updated on our dashboard under COVID. If changes are being made on Mondays, these should be updated, including the revised date in the title. This is for EACH of your classes, not just homeroom. Please avoid mid-week changes as to help with our 48 hours back contact tracing if needed.
-WIS school shirt online orders - Online orders end on Wednesday to get your 2021-22 school shirt! Families should have received a paper copy and building email re: ordering. We have also advertised on social media. Be sure to get your shirt too! We’d like for everyone to wear these or other Willard wear every Friday.
-Safe School/ALICE videos - Don’t forget to get these done so your name isn’t popping up on any district lists of incomplete staff. ;)
-Chrome Camp Schedule - Classes will be participating in week #2 of Chrome Camp with Mr. Stockton. Please see the schedule for your homeroom class time.
-Trauma-informed virtual online academy- The goal is to have Track 1 complete by Sept. 1. How close are you on it?
-Student Changing Room - Due to the number of needs in our essential skills class this year, it is necessary to use one of the staff bathrooms as a changing area. A sign will be placed on the door. Please do not use this restroom.
-Staff updates:
Rhonda Drake - Her surgery went well on Friday and she was home resting by lunchtime. If you are able to help with meals for her family, please sign up here. You may bring the food to school and we'll get it to her. Gift cards are also welcome.
Miranda Bennett - Miranda's 6 year old nephew, Simon, lost his battle to cancer on Saturday afternoon. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts during this incredibly difficult time. If you would like to help towards his Celebration of Life, they have created this GoFundMe.
Events This Week
-Early Out meeting: (*Always bring your Chromebook and something to write with in case needed!)
3:15-3:30 pm - Booster/Check-in
3:30-3:35 pm - Housekeeping items: Instructional Excellence
3:35-3:50 pm - Teach Students to Lead Action Team - Share-out
3:50-4:30 pm -Action team meeting (Introductions with facilitator re: team purpose & first steps)
-Special services staffing (Main office-meeting room #1)
-6th grade team meetings
-Pioneers Open House, 6-7:00 pm (Tiger Den)
-WIS t-shirt orders due (Order here)
-Lighthouse team meeting (Location: Shawnda’s room)
-Stacey out in AM for Lead team meeting
-Special team meeting @ 2:25 pm
-5th grade team meetings
-Social Studies study group in AM @ WIS-North (Tutton & Jessen attending)
-District tailgate (Get free hot dog dinner with your family at district office and then stay for the first home football game!)
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Breakfast: Stowe, Front: Herbert & Surber, Bus: Harron
Dismissal – Green Team (Bus-Walker & Herbert, Front-Tait & Stowe, Walkers-Taylor)
NWEA & DRA testing window (Schedule-coming soon)
Monday – Labor Day: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday – Sped Staffing, BOE Study Session
Wednesday - Pioneers Begins, Lighthouse team meeting, District Admin-“Celebration Walk at WIS” from 10-11:30 am (Will include classroom visits)
Thursday - Anime Club begins @ 7:40 am, Tiger Tones begins @ 3:35 pm
Friday -
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