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Stacey Pippin

August 23-26, 2022

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Arrival: Breakfast: C. Taylor, H. Vest, B. Taylor; Front: Bennett, Bus: Cones

Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Mullins & Douglas, Front- Walker & Sechler, Walkers- Stowe)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: Next week will begin with A week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Lunch seating has been updated: 5th grade and 6th grade. Students must sit in their homeroom class section, but which seat does not matter. Please assist for the first couple days as we get it all figured out. Here is a breakfast map too of where each team will sit.

-Cardinals tickets - Please let us know asap on survey if you are able to attend Intermediate Night at Springfield Cardinals on Tues., Aug. 30. Each staff member will be given 2 free tickets. We will be sending it out to families on the first day of school too.

-Student Allergies - As Nurse Payne indicated in her email on Aug. 22, we have several student allergies in our building - corn, peanuts and lavender to be the most aware of. For the corn allergy of a navy team student, we ask that you do not pop popcorn. Also, if you or a student eats bagged popcorn, it is important to wash your hands and the surface. As in the past, we also ask that you refrain from using essential oils, Febreeze, Axe, etc. as these can also trigger some people, especially asthmatics.

-Custodial changes:

  • As of Aug. 22, Lyman Crisp will be working at WOHE. We are sad to see him go, but know that he will help fill a void in their building. Since his goodbye was quick, we’d like to get a basket together for him to wish him well. If you’d like to add a gift, treat or card to the basket, please bring it to the office by the end of this week.

  • We’d also like to welcome his replacement, Lynn Price. Lynn trained with Lyman a few days last week and is quickly learning the ropes with Debbie's help. His primary route will be the 6th grade side. Please welcome him when you see him!

-School belonging WIG - We hope you are ready to go with your lead measures! Feel free to jump right in, but know we’ve also given ourselves some time this week to get our bearings with routine, etc. We will do our first check in next Friday, Sept. 2 and combine the first two weeks into one.

-Homecoming will be Sept. 23 early out day. Parade is at 10:00 am in Willard. All students and staff will take the bus to Willard to attend. Our school will be in charge of a float. Mrs. Berger will work with the students to come up with our design, but will welcome any help from staff and Parent Lighthouse to bring our dream into reality. The theme was just announced Friday – “Jailhouse Rock on Willard’s Block”. Think - 50’s, 60’s and Grease! :)

-Arrival/dismissal - Especially the first couple of days, we would like all hands-on deck to welcome our students and also help with dismissal procedures at the end of the day. Non-classroom teachers-we’ll want people out front, buses, assisting with finding classrooms and breakfast. We’ll try to have some music playing to greet students in both locations. Let’s pump them up!

-Sidewalk chalk - If you are able to get here a little early, we’d love to add some welcome messages outside on the concrete.

-Classroom teachers-Please be sure to have these items for your students:

  • Lunch PIN - Students will want to come to lunch with their PIN number. This can be found in SIS, but we were able to run it for you by class. It’s in your mailbox!

  • Dismissal plans - You will want to know how your students will get home day one and then normally. If there are any questions re: bus number, etc., please let the office know ASAP so that we may help clarify before the end of the day. You may email Amanda and Rhonda both.

-Bathroom sign out sheets - This template is included on the Dashboard under “forms/templates”. Please limit students going to the bathroom outside of class breaks. If they do in an emergency, one at a time using this sign out sheet.

-Safe School videos - You should be completed or close to done with these videos. The one titled, Sexual Misconduct: Staff to Student is priority.

Teaching Tip/Resource: Here's a great resource that goes along with what Samantha shared last week to be sensitive to all student's summer experience...

Events This Week


Hope you enjoyed the 4 day weekend!!


-Wear your One Team.One Willard shirt and jeans

-#Willard1stDay Pictures - Share your pictures from today on social media using the hashtag, email to and/or add in our building folder. Feel free to bring your class to our bookcase display in the commons too for pictures if you’d like!

-Staff 1st Day celebration - Come to the art room after school for a quick ice cream social and 1st day pictures. We’ll have copies of the sign in the art room.


-No Lighthouse team meeting. (Begins Aug. 31)

-6th grade Chrome Camp (Chromebook Check-out)


-5th grade Chrome Camp (Chromebook Check-out)

-6th Band Instrument Night @ High School-More info provided by band teacher & emailed home. Here's a flyer for your reference. Students are encouraged to attend in person, but may also do the rental online.


-School Assembly @ 8:45 am

  • More details to come, but be planning to unveil your team name!

-Wear your Willard pride shirt and jeans. We got TWO jeans days this week! I know a few of you will appreciate this...

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Breakfast: C. Taylor, Cisneros & Douglas; Front: Cones; Bus: Surber

  • Dismissal – Teal team (Bus- Collier & Nelson, Front- Hayes & Hill, Walkers-L. Vest)

Monday – Early Out-Faculty meeting: Topics-Action teams, Food Allergies, Expectations continued, Content meetings-ELA will discuss DRA assessments

Tuesday – Staffing @ 7:45 am; WIS Night @ Springfield Cardinals game @ 6:35 pm

Wednesday - Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am

Thursday - Parent Lighthouse meeting @ 6:00 pm, Pioneers Open House @ 6:00 pm

Friday - District Tailgate Game

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