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Stacey Pippin

August 26-30, 2024


Friday - Stacey Pippin

Saturday - Debbie Waterman

Arrival:  Breakfast: East, Nelson, Larsen; Front: Berger, Bus: Cones, Hallway: 6-Farmer, 5- Reavis  

Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Jump & Reavis; Front-Wedgeworth & Walker; Walkers-J. Davis)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day and/or communicate to Autumn before the day of announcement.

WIS shared picture folder: PLEASE add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Smartwatches: Please remind students these are not allowed and should be kept in lockers. Any watch that may have bluetooth capabilities is handled the same way we would cell phones whether it is being used or not.

-Chrome Camp: We’ll have day 2 of Chrome Camp this week. Classroom teachers, please plan to stay and assist as needed during this time.

-End of Day Messages: It’s very important to check the messages at the end of the day so any changes are communicated to students. Please then check it off after you’ve communicated it.

-Paint the Playground: Save the Date for the morning of Sat., Sept. 7!! We’re looking for staff and parents to help us paint basketball, four square, etc. lines on playground for our students. We’ve got a Boy Scout leading it for his Eagle Scout project, but looking for volunteers!

-Brain-Based/Self-Regulation Learning: In addition to Leader in Me (first 8 days & scope and sequence lessons) for lead time, we also have these great lessons to share with students to teach them about their brain and ways to self-regulate.! 

-Clubs: If you have a club starting soon, please get the club proposal form to Stacey in order to be approved and added to the school calendar. We’ve had interest in running and crochet club if anyone is interested in sponsoring either one. Officer Farmer is willing to help with running club also.

-Newsletter: Reminder, it’s our goal to have the first team newsletter done by Friday in order to go home for the first of the month. 

-Team Meetings: We’ll plan to attend team meetings this week to discuss plans for the upcoming NWEA schedule and check-in on any other beginning of the year items. Feel free to bring items too!

-Safe School videos - Don't forget about getting these completed if you haven't already!

Teaching Tidbits & Tips:

Thankful to come to school everyday with a team of people who care very much and know the important role each of us play in our students' lives and learning!

Events This Week


-Wear your WIS school shirt today

-1st day of our Monday schedule

-A Week for counseling/library (Counseling will meet in room 407 at maroon team area.)

-Move-It Monday classes: *Specials teachers will pick up and return your class at the homeroom classroom each Monday, so you do not need to bring them to the gym.*

-PLT (content) meetings are held in Mrs. Muller’s room 203 after your students are picked up for Move-it Monday.

-Early Out Meeting in commons: 

  • 3:10-3:30 pm - Family groups meet

  • 3:30-4:15 pm - Action team meetings (New staff: Be thinking about whether you’d like to join Leader in Me 101 or one of our action teams. See list here.)


-Special Services Staffing @ 7:45-8:10 am (Main office meeting room 1)

-Fire Drill in morning @ 8:50 am

-Chrome Camp Day 2 @ Library (Classes: Wells, Wedgeworth, Cochran)

-6th Team Meetings: NWEA Prep & Check-in


-Lighthouse Team Meeting @ 7:20 am (Muller’s room)

-Chrome Camp Day 2 @ Library (Classes: Barber, Walker, Schumer)


-Chrome Camp Day 2 @ Library (Classes: Jessen, Davis, Vest, Hill)

-5th Team Meetings: NWEA Prep & Check-in


-Specials Team Meeting @ 8:40 am

-Chrome Camp Day 2 @ Library (Classes: Jump, Bowling)

Enjoy a well-deserved 3-day weekend! Happy Labor Day!

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival:  Breakfast: East, Douglas, B. Davis, Front: Surber, Bus: Gregory, Hallway: 6-Stowe, 5-Larsen

  • Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Cochran & Stowe; Front-Vest & Richardson ; Walkers-Meadows) 

Monday – NO SCHOOL: Labor Day

Tuesday – No Special Services Staffing 

Wednesday - Lighthouse Team meeting @ 7:20 am; Stacey out in AM for Lead Team meeting

Thursday - Parent Lighthouse Meeting @ 6:00 pm

Friday - District Tiger Pride Night @ 5:00 pm (Location: High School football stadium main entrance)

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