Most important work = Tired teachers
Thanks for all of your preparations and efforts last week to make our first week of school a success! Here's hoping you were able to get some much needed rest this weekend!
Monday - Nicole Sprinkel
Wednesday - Stacey Pippin
Thursday - Debbie Waterman
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Hyde, H. Vest; Front: Stowe, Bus: Berger, Hallway: 6- Surber, 5- Douglas
Dismissal: Maroon team (Bus- H. Vest & Richardson, Front- Barber & Wells, Walkers- Jessen)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
WIS shared picture folder: Please add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Recess: Woohoo!! The weather looks wonderful this week to be outside every day!! Here are the zones and expectations our specials teachers shared last week with students as a refresher. This document can also be found on the dashboard under “Faculty Info”.
-1st Move-It Monday:
Special class teachers will come pickup and return your class each Monday for Move-It Monday.
All teachers attending content meetings, please arrive to content meetings promptly to get started and return to your class as specials teachers are often needing to pick up the next class.
-Library/counseling - A/B week schedule is listed on the Mon. team schedule. Mrs. Davis will come to your classroom for counseling and you will take your class to the library on the designated week.
-Content meetings: Please be sure to bring your portfolio with you. We will also be using them today for our after school meeting too!
-Chrome Camp schedule: We will go to the library for week 2 of Chrome Camp this week.
-Begin School Checklist items:
Safe School videos: A reminder to check these videos off your list!
Mandated reporter: Have you created your account?
Voicemail: Is your phone updated with your message?
-If you have any additional dates to add to the September calendar that goes home to families, please let Stacey know.
-Team Nights: The following dates have been scheduled for team meetings: Teal team-Sept. 7 and Green team-Sept. 13. Once your team has a date, please share it with Stacey. We’d like to have these on the Sept. calendar that goes home this week. It’s our goal to have all of these scheduled by Sept. 22.
-Tutoring Schedule: When your team/grade level has determined a tutoring schedule to make available to families, please let Stacey also know. We’ll get it added to the calendar and it will help in answering phone calls.
-Clubs: If you have a club starting soon, please get the club proposal form to Stacey in order to be approved and added to the school calendar.
-AM/PM Supervision Schedule: This is the schedule for before and after school supervision to greet/dismiss students. You may see expectations for these roles on p. 15-16 in our staff expectations document. Please let Stacey know if you see any errors.
-Positive Behavior Supports System (Also found on Dashboard under “Student Support/Discipline”): Please look over the slides re: our program. Stamps and passports are in! We’ll pass them out after school and answer any questions. Class grids will also be coming soon. Please let us know after school if you still have yours from last year! It's our goal to do our first drawing for individual prizes next week to celebrate on Sept. 8.
-Lead time lessons: Please refer to our Neuroplasticity scope and sequence and LIM lessons as your team plans for our lead time at the beginning of the day.
Teacher Tidbits:
Events This Week
-Wear your “Seas the Day” WIS shirt and jeans
-Content Meeting: Bring your leadership portfolio and Chromebooks (*Specials teachers will pickup your class and return at your classroom.)
-Early Out Meeting: (*Bring your leadership portfolio if you have one!)
3:10-3:30 pm - Team Connection
3:30-3:40 pm - Positive behavior system with passports
3:45-4:15 pm - PD Activity: Collaborative Teams
4:15-4:30 pm - Action team check-in (See teams for this year here)
-Special Services: Staffing @ 7:45 am (Office meeting room #1)
-Chrome Camp Schedule (Wells, Robertson, Walker, Vest)
-6th Team Meetings: Check-In & NWEA Prep
-DRA info meeting for ELA teachers @ 3:45 pm (Mrs. Muller’s room)
-National Beach Day: With our theme this year, we can’t let this one go by without honoring it by wearing our best "heading to the beach" gear. Feel free to also invite our students to join in, but remind them no bathing suits! ;)
-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:20 am
-Chrome Camp Schedule (Barber, Tiller, Hayes)
-Specials Team Meeting: Check-In
-Chrome Camp Schedule (Jessen, Sprinkel, Mullins, Hill)
-5th Team Meetings: Check-In & NWEA Prep
-Willard pride wear day
-Chrome Camp Schedule (Jump, Bowling)
-Tiger Pride/Community Tailgate Night @ 5:00 pm (Location: High School football stadium main entrance)
All who attend will receive a hot dog, chip, drink and cookie along with a stamp to get into the game free.
This was moved to this week due to the hot temperatures last week.
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Gregory, Hodge; Front: Cones, Bus: Douglas, Hallway: 6-Richardson, 5-Farmer
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Sprinkel, Dunning, Front-Robertson, Jump, Walkers-Tiller)
-NWEA testing begins (Team schedules will be determined this week @ team meetings.)
Monday – NO SCHOOL: Labor Day
Tuesday – Staffing @ 7:45 am (Meeting room #1), Fire Drill @ 2:50 pm, Pioneers Open House @ 6:00 pm
Wednesday - Stacey and Samantha out in AM for lead team meeting
Thursday - Teal team night @ 6:00 pm, Samantha out in AM for Educlimber training
Friday -