Arrival: Breakfast: Govro & Douglas, Front: Harron, Bus: Berger
Dismissal: Teal team - (Bus-Hayes & Tiller, Front- Vest & Maddeaux, Walkers-Bartels)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:00-Teal & Green, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:31-Teal & Green, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Staff 12 days of holiday spirit - Dec. 8, 15, 20-22 have been added to the student calendar, but they are welcome to participate in any of the dress days if you would like to share with them.
-Student leadership teams: It has been decided to push this back until Jan. 13 instead of starting this week. This will allow enough time to get all students assigned, teachers prepared, etc. for a successful kick-off!
-6th band - Please make sure students understand that band will meet 3 times a week: music specials day instead of music class, W&F after school club. Further details are here about the enrollment process. You may direct any parent questions to the office or band director at:
-Holiday door decorating: We look forward to seeing your door decorations. We've heard some great student ideas already!
-Seating charts: Please be sure your digital seating charts are up-to-date for quick access if needed.
-Don't forget to check on your elf for treats each day and the wellness winners!
-NWEA testing makeups this week. Please complete these within your team as best you can. If you get into a bind, please let Shawnda or Stacey know to coordinate a possible plan.
-Winter Festival is next Thursday at 6:00 pm. Here is the list of activities. We hope all can make it, so encourage your students to attend also!
-Pioneers: FYI - The 5th/6th pioneers day will switch second semester to Fridays instead of Wednesdays.
-IE & DGH hours: Heads up as 1st semester is nearing the end you will want to be sure you've entered your hours for payment in January. These are due by Dec. 22.
-Doggy Style food truck next Friday 17th: They would like to get an approximate count, so check out the menu then let us know here if you'd like to purchase for lunch. Teacher special offered includes a hot dog of your choice, chips and a drink for $10.
-DARE Graduation: 5th teachers - Please see details below on Tuesday to share with students. Also, Mr. Surber may try to coordinate a 15-20 min. time before Tues. evening to practice getting on the risers with 5th grade.
-Advent calendar fun for staff and students:
Teaching Tip or Learning Tidbit:
In addition to clear expectations, the biggest indicator of successful classroom management is CONSISTENCY. Check out the article, "3 Keys to Being Consistent", as an important reminder this time of year as many are seeing an increase in behaviors. You can always take the time to RESET.
Events This Week
-Early Out Staff Meeting:
3:10-3:25 pm - Accountability Partners @ Tiger Den
3:30-4:30 pm - District PD: Content Collaboration with WIS-N (See Dec. 3 email from Shawnda for details)
-12 days holiday spirit begins: Wear kindness shirt & pick an encouraging sticker to share with a friend!
-Special services staffing @ 7:45 am (Meeting room #1)
-6th band instrument selection (Schedule)
-Team meetings: Maroon and teal team (15 min. re: AMI days + topic items you may have)
-5th DARE Graduation @ 6:30 pm (*Please tell students to arrive in their homeroom class BY 6:15 pm and give them shirts at this time. Then, classes will walk down to the gym by 6:25 pm.)
-Club: Reading, Drama Llamas
-12 days holiday spirit: Wear your favorite holiday shirt & bring appetizers to share in the lounge
-December LIM Focus-Sharpen the Saw @ iTime: Maroon team (See email from Mrs. Walker)
-Team meetings: Specials team (15 min. re: AMI days + topic items you may have)
-Clubs: Paris, Tech Deck, Lego and Youth Hunting & Fishing
-12 days holiday spirit: Wear red/green. National give a Christmas card day
-HS thespian student performance @ library (Schedule for teams)
-December LIM Focus-Sharpen the Saw @ iTime: Teal team (See email from Mrs. Walker. *Date change)
-Team meetings: Green and navy team (15 min. re: AMI days + topic items you may have)
-Clubs: Anime, Tiger Tones
-12 days holiday spirit: National Lost & Found day-Wear mismatched and have students check for missing items before we donate at semester.
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Breakfast: Taylor & Maddeaux, Front: Bennett, Bus: Surber
Dismissal – Maroon team (Bus-Jessen & Fisher, Front-Herron & Douglas, Walkers-Johnson)
-Mike Roberts will be out this week.
Monday – 12 Days: Hot Cocoa bar & comfy clothes, Early Out: Staff meeting/Action team work
Tuesday – Winter Wonderland festival @ 6:00 pm, Dec. LIM Focus-Sharpen the Saw @ iTime: Navy team, 12 Days: Wear white & snowball fight
Wednesday - Stacey/Shawnda out in AM-Super lead team meeting, Dec. LIM Focus-Sharpen the Saw @ iTime: Green team, 12 Days: Ugly Christmas sweaters & bring desserts to share
Thursday - 6th Band Virtual Instrument Night, Beth out in AM-Counselor’s meeting, School board meeting, 12 Days: Holiday hat & door decoration tour
Friday - Celebration Walk (10:00-11:00 am), 12 Days: National Underdog day - Doggy Style food truck here if you'd like to purchase. See more info above re: ordering.