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  • Stacey Pippin

February 10-14, 2020

Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:


Front-Larsen, Bus-Gehring, Vestibule-Maddeaux


Front & Bus: Teal team, Dubuque & Larsen (2 bus line- Larsen & Raby, 2 parent line- Dubuque & Hayes, 1 vestibule with walkers-Wolf)


Tuesday – Kim Bushnell

Saturday – LaVonna Anderson

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week

STEM class location: Tech Café and bring Chromebooks

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Video Announcements:

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-FYI: Stacey will be attending LIM symposium Mon. afternoon-Wed. Emily Gehring will be filling in on Tues-Wed. and available as needed on Monday.

-Reminder: Student leadership teams will meet on Tues. and Wed. morning. Thanks to our shared leadership action team for your organization and suggestions to get our first few meetings off to a great start! Our focus this week should still be on getting to know each other & defining our purpose. Don’t forget to get your attendance in before transitioning to leadership teams.

-All teams should have sent home an email to parents about our Valentine's party sign-up. As supplies come in, please put them on the counter in the teachers' lounge and we'll get them from there!

-12 Weeks to Full Heart challenge – Congratulations to Kim Mize who wins a free lunch on us! She had lunch with her chosen student last week and learned a lot of of new things about him. Thanks for your investment to build relationships. This week is a special valentine’s just for them!

-Super Bowl game changers – Congrats to Jennifer Walker who was the only one to add her name in a winning box for our Super Bowl game. Luckily, it was with the final score so she has a $20 Amazon gift card to spend!

Events This Week


-Green team DARE

-ESL Access testing – Listening portion (1:00-3:00 pm – Mrs. Maddeaux’s classroom)

-Early out meetings:

  • 3:10-3:20 pm - Accountability Partners check-in

  • 3:25-3:30 pm - LIM professional learning action team activity

  • 3:30-4:30 pm – District PD: Content Rigor Divide/Critical Thinking

-Club: Speech & Debate


-Student leadership teams

-Green & Teal team meeting with Shawnda re: NWEA

-ESL Access testing – Writing portion (1:00-3:00 pm – Mrs. Maddeaux’s classroom)

-6th grade scheduling for Middle School-Maroon team (12:15-12:45 pm)

-Clubs: Breakfast & Books in AM, Reading, PE+, Drama Llamas


-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am

-Student leadership teams

-Maroon team meeting with Shawnda re: NWEA

-RTI/MTSS referrals to Emily (initial forms)

-Club: Running


-NO team leader this week

-Navy team meeting with Shawnda re: NWEA

-Clubs: Harry Potter, Tiger Tones, Math, Youth Hunting & Fishing


-Early out dismissal at 12:30 pm

-Valentine’s Day parties: 6th (9:00-9:45 am), 5th (10:00-10:45 am)

-Staff Mexican food day during lunch – Be sure to sign up!

-Afternoon Professional Learning:

  • 1:00-1:45 pm: Cultural Awareness & Implicit Bias with Mrs. Hudson & Mrs. Berger

  • 1:45-2:15 pm: Restorative practices conference summary from teachers who went

  • 2:15-3:30 pm – Break-out content teams/work time rest of day as needed

-Teacher Well-Being Course with Maddeaux after school

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors

  • Arrival – Front: Gehring, Bus: Finn, Vestibule: Dubuque

  • Dismissal – Navy team (2 bus line- Steinbach & Maddeaux, 2 parent line- Muller & Bartels, 1 vestibule with walkers-Tutton)

Monday – Early out meeting: Action teams

Tuesday – 5th science collaboration day

Wednesday – Lighthouse team meeting

Thursday – Team meetings during plan time to discuss P/T conferences w/ Stacey & Shawnda

Friday- MTSS/RTI meetings

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