Saturday - Brian Hayes
Arrival: Breakfast: Govro, Taylor & Maddeaux, Front: Bennett Bus: Stockton
Dismissal: Maroon team (Bus-Jessen & Fisher, Front-Herron & Douglas, Walkers-Johnson)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:00-Teal & Green, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:31-Teal & Green, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week
News Show:
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Valentine Friendship Party will be Friday (6th-9:05-9:50 am; 5th-10:00-10:45 am).
Classes will start seated in Tiger Den for directions
Teachers-please spread out to supervise
Parent volunteers can help with food spots, pictures, etc.
Party activity details:
Tiger Den - Snacks (nachos, drinks and cupcakes), games and picture spot
Art room - crafts, movie, Valentine trail mix
Music room - Just Dance
PE - games and free play
-Please let Stacey know if your grade level is planning to do Valentine boxes so that the office is aware to assist.
-February Fun staff calendar - Valentine floats today and Thursday is Random Acts of Kindness day
-As 4th quarter is quickly approaching, it's time to start getting dates on the calendar for our year-end events, field trips, etc.
Events This Week
-Early Out meeting: 3:10-3:35 pm - Learning Love Laps (See details below)
During the school day, please put a note on something in your space you are proud of that you or your students have done. We’ve all been working hard to reach goals this year. What stands out to you?
After school, quickly come to the Tiger Den to get an ice cream float and meet your accountability partner.
Bring some post-its and a pen with you because you and your accountability partner will then have time to walk around the building to visit areas you don’t normally get to and leave some love notes about what you notice for others!
Return to the Tiger Den at 3:35 pm. We hope to have a couple minutes to share out some highlights before we begin action team meetings.
3:40-4:30 pm - Action team meetings
-Special services staffing @ 7:45 am (*Small meeting room)
-Clubs: AM-Sign Language, PM-Reading, Drama Llamas
-No Lighthouse team meeting this week
-Stacey out today - Brooke Taylor will be filling in
-Clubs: AM-Tech Deck, Rockhound, PM-Lego, CTO, Band
-Random Acts of Kindness Day: Tell someone a strength you admire about them & do something nice for someone you don’t normally see (Feel free to involve the students too!)
-Student leadership teams
-NO SIT team meeting this week
-Stacey out today - Bonnie Herron will be filling in
-Lexi Govro will be out this afternoon to attend CPI training
-Beth out in AM for counselors meeting
-Board meeting
-Club: AM-Anime, PM-Tiger Tones
Friday - Early Dismissal 12:30 pm
-Valentine Friendship Parties (6th grade: 9:05-9:50 am; 5th grade: 10:00-10:45 am)
-No specials or clubs today
-Afternoon meetings: Collaboration with WIS-North
Shawnda will send out additional information soon re: agendas
Time: 1:30-3:30 pm
5th grade @ WIS-South
6th grade @ WIS-North
Special areas - Location of your choice (Please let Shawnda know.)
Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Breakfast: Govro, Johnson & Bauer, Front: Surber Bus: Berger
Dismissal – Navy team (Bus- Steinbach & Tutton, Front- Cones & Muller, Walkers-Bauer)
Monday - NO SCHOOL: President’s Day
Tuesday - Clubs: AM-Sign Language, Crochet; PM-Reading
Wednesday - Clubs: AM-Tech Deck, Rockhound; PM-Band, Lego, CTO
Thursday - Impact Teams (6th ELA-AM; 5th ELA-PM), Clubs: AM-Anime, NO Tiger Tones
Friday - Intruder Drill @ 9:45 am, Stacey/Shawnda out PM-Impact team training, Clubs: Band, Fun Fri
Saturday - All District Honor Choir @ SBU