Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:
Front-Gehring, Bus-Wortman, Vestibule-Dubuque
Front & Bus: Navy team (2 bus line- Steinbach & Maddeaux, 2 parent line-Muller & Bartels, 1 vestibule with walkers-Tutton)
Wednesday – Brian Hayes
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week
STEM class location: Tech Café and bring Chromebooks
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Greeter/Send-Off Schedule – We’ve made a few changes to our supervision schedule for the remainder of the year due to additional snow days, etc. Please look for these highlighted changes to see if it affects you. Thanks!
-Student leadership teams – Now that our teams have spent some time getting to know each other, hopefully discussions have started regarding your team’s mission. I’m sure the toughest part is facilitating these conversations in a way that guides students around these goals and not just jumping to the ‘doing’. We hope things are going well, but don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our shared leadership action team members. Remember: LIM uses a crockpot, not a microwave approach for sustainability.
-12 Weeks to Full Heart challenge – This week is a great one. It’s the 2x2x5 challenge. Find 2 min. for 5 days this week to visit just the 2 of you about life. It's been great to hear about the impact this challenge is having with students!
Events This Week
-Green team DARE
-Early out meetings:
3:10-3:25 pm - Accountability Partners check-in (Discussion: What have you been busy with recently? How does this fit into your BIG rocks?)
3:30-4:30 pm – Action teams
-Student leadership teams
-5th science collaboration day @ WIS-North
-Stacey out of building for meeting this afternoon (12-3:30 pm)
-District Book study, Cultivating Belonging with Dignity, at Willard South, 4:00 pm (*This will be the first meeting and they have a few extra books if you decide you want to attend!)
-Middle School Cheerleading Pre-Tryout meeting at MS, 6:00-7:00 pm
-Clubs: Breakfast & Books in AM, Reading, PE+, Pound Fit
-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am
-Student leadership teams
-Stacey attending Lead team this morning @ Willard East
-Club: Running
-Team leader meeting @ 7:30 am
-Team meetings with Shawnda/Stacey re: spring P/T conferences
-School board meeting @ 7:00 pm
-FYI: MSTA dinner/event being held in the commons (Set-up 5:00 pm, Dinner/Meeting 5:30-7:30 pm)
-Clubs: Harry Potter, Tiger Tones, Math, Youth Hunting & Fishing
-Teacher Well-Being Course with Mrs. Maddeaux after school
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors
Arrival – Front: Farrar, Bus: Finn, Vestibule: Johnson
Dismissal – Green team + Farrar (2 bus line- Hutcheson & Walker, 2 parent line- Tait & Farrar, 1 vestibule with walkers-Mize)
Monday – Tornado drill @ 9:30 am, Early out meeting: Staff meeting re: restorative practices, Speech & Debate
Tuesday – 6th math collaboration day
Wednesday – Fire drill @ 1:30 pm, Lighthouse team meeting, Sped Staffing
Thursday – Mrs. Tutton’s baby shower @ 3:45 pm
Friday- Fellowship Fri with Mrs. Maddeaux, Building-wide Movie Night @ 7:00 pm