Think I heard a few of you mention this last week! :) Hang on!! This is an amazing team and together, WE"VE GOT THIS!!
Monday - Brian Hayes
Sunday - Christina Cones
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Richardson, H. Vest; Front: Douglas, Bus: Cones, Hallway: 6-Farmer, 5-Gregory
Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Walker, Douglas; Front-Stowe, C. Taylor; Walkers-Mullins)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: Next week will be A week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
News show: (Coming soon!)
WIS shared picture folder: Please add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-AMI Day #3 Attendance: Please have attendance entered for Feb. 12 by end of the day Wed. ALL students should complete this, even if you need to utilize iTime and/or recess. We don’t want students to think this is an optional expectation.
-Staff Leave: Please remember the expectation when entering any leave (sick, personal) is to also communicate this with Stacey. We don’t want to get in a situation in which we aren’t aware of the absence and do not always receive the notifications in Frontline when you enter it. This is also preferred BEFORE entering in the event we may know of a substitute and/or can make plans for coverage in your absence.
-Next Year Input: If you haven’t already, please share your input regarding next year’s team configuration. Your feedback and careful thought as to what may be the best learning configuration for our students is valuable!
-Spring Practicum Students: Please list any practicum students you have for the spring semester on this document. This information has not been communicated to Stacey and we must turn in the names to district office. Thanks for your help!
-Yearbook Orders are on sale! Be sure to add reminders in your newsletters. Here is the link to order:
Events This Week
NO SCHOOL: Presidents Day
-WIS School Shirt and Jeans Day- It’s going to feel like a Monday, right?!
-No Student Leadership Teams
-Maroon Team: Pancake breakfast reward for holiday decorations @ 8:35 am in Tiger Den
-6th Band: Please have students bring their Chromebooks today for class.
-Last Day for our Spring Fundraiser
-Stacey out in AM for training
-Clubs: Cheer, Game, Color Guard, STEM-3D, Drama Llamas
-Lighthouse Team Meeting @ 7:20 am
-5/6th Buddy Classes meet during lead time
-6th Middle School Scheduling:
Teal Team (@ Tiger Den)
2:45-3:05 - Bowling/Hill
3:05-3:25 - Hayes/Vest (*Dismiss from Tiger Den)
Maroon Team (@ Homeroom Class)
10:00-10:20 - Wells
10:20-10:40 - Jessen
10:40-11:02 - Barber
-Clubs: 6th Band, Running
-Yearbook Judges-Meeting @ 7:40 am (Mrs. Vest’s room)
-Student Leadership Teams
-5th ELA Collaboration Day
-Club: Reading, Soundwave, Volleyball, Lego
-NKOTB meeting @ 3:40 pm
-Community Curriculum Night @ WIS (5-6:30 pm)
-Fluoride @ Lead time-Teal Team
-Club: Stop Motion
-All District Choir @ SBU
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Berger, Hyde; Front: Surber, Bus: Nelson, Hallway: 6-Douglas, 5-Cisneros
Dismissal: Teal team (Bus- Vest & Hill; Front- Bowling & Nelson; Walkers- Hayes )
Monday - Early Out Meeting: Learning Walk & Student Leadership Portfolio share out
Tuesday –Clubs: Cheer, Game, Color Guard, STEM-3D
Wednesday - Fluoride-Maroon Team @ Lead time, Clubs: Band, Running
Thursday - Leap Day fun, 6th Math Collab Day, Clubs: Reading, Soundwave, Volleyball
Friday - Community Time @ 8:35 am, Club: Stop Motion