Tuesday - Christina Cones
Arrival: Breakfast: Stowe, Gregory, Eidson; Front: Surber, Bus: Douglas, Hallway: 6-Larsen, 5-Muller
Dismissal: Maroon team (Bus- Nelson & Wells, Front- Jessen & Larsen, Walkers- Barber)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B Week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day and/or communicate to Autumn before the day of announcement.
WIS shared picture folder: PLEASE add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!
WIS Weekly News:
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-AMI Day Attendance: As we return and collect 4-5 days of AMI work it's not going to be a small feat. ;) Let’s shoot for getting the attendance updated on this form by NEXT Monday, Mar. 3.
-WIG goals & tracking: Hopefully your students have set their goal as we were planning to start tracking the lead measures for it last week. If not, you will want to get these going and build in daily time to check in. Someone will be around to get your class totals on Tues. for the previous week. The first check should be next Tues., Mar. 4.
-Staff Celebrity Crush: With snow days and crazy schedules, we’ll give this week to get your guesses in to Wendy. Find them on the bulletin board in the lounge and fill out your guesses by end of day Thursday. Then, we’ll let our winner know on Friday and share the answers! :)
-Learning Walks: We will work on rescheduling these and are shooting to get them done before spring break.
-Team Newsletters: Next week is a new month and time again for newsletters to go home. Don't forget to share with Stacey, Wendy and Autumn also.
-Classroom Budgets: We will extend purchases with your classroom budget from March 1 to March 7 due to the snow days. Please communicate with Wendy as soon as you can if needing to order.
-Building Wish List: Is there something you wish we had at school or you see needs improvement? Let us know when you think of it! This list is always under "Forms" on the Dashboard and is used as we prioritize purchases with the remaining budget and capital improvements.
-WIS Movie Night on Thurs. @ 6 pm - Delivering Hope: We’re excited to offer a viewing of Kevin Kline’s documentary. We’d love to have everyone attend if you can remind your classes it's this week! If you are planning to come, please let Stacey or Autumn know as we could use some help at the door and with concessions.

Events This Week
-Early Out Meeting: Staff-Housekeeping Items & iTime Planning Time (*We will meet in the library.)
-6th Grade Scheduling for MS @ Counseling time
-Portrait of Tiger District meeting in Tiger Den (5-7 pm)
-Student Leadership Teams
-Special Services staffing @ 7:45 am
-Clubs: Cheer, Color Guard, Volleyball
-SIT Team meeting @ 3:45 pm
-District PLT meeting @ 4:00 pm
-Lighthouse Team Meeting @ 7:20 am
-District MTSS meeting, 2-3:15 pm (Stacey & Becca attend)
-Club: 6th Band, Crochet, Origami
-Student Leadership Teams
-Dr. Wilken visits for 1T1W walk @ 10:00 am (*Board members are unable to attend this time.)
-Clubs: Tiger Tones, Reading, Game Board
-WIS Movie Night: Delivering Hope with Kevin Kline @ 6 pm in Tiger Den
-5th/6th Pioneers
-Buddy Classrooms
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival: Breakfast: Cones, Larsen, Eidson; Front: Nelson, Bus: Richardson, Hallway: 6-Douglas, 5-Berger
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Jump & Larsen; Front-Wedgeworth & Walker; Walkers-J. Davis)
School Social Workers Appreciation Week
Monday - Early Out Meeting: Action Team meetings
Tuesday - Clubs: Cheer, Color Guard, STEM
Wednesday - Stacey out in AM for Lead Team meeting, Clubs: Band, Crochet, Origami, NKOTB meeting @ 3:40 pm, WIS Night @ Papa Johns
Thursday - Clubs: Tiger Tones, Reading, Game Board, Drama Llamas
Friday - Feb. Community Time