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  • Stacey Pippin

January 13-17, 2020

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:


Front-Gehring, Bus-Maddeaux, Vestibule-Larsen


Front & Bus: Teal team, Larsen & Dubuque (2 bus line-Dubuque & Hayes, 2 parent line-Larsen & Wolf, 1 vestibule with walkers-Raby)


Tuesday – Lyman Crisp

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week

STEM class location: Tech Cafe

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Video Announcements:

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Strategic Plan-Student Survey: We need ALL students to take this district survey THIS week in homeroom class. It should only take 5-10 min. A link will be available Monday morning on the WIS-South home page under "Quick Links" you can direct students to in order to access the survey. The school board is currently looking at what has been accomplished with our strategic plan and needs for the future. They are seeking input from the community, staff and students, so you will likely be getting a staff survey soon too.

-Khebrat immersion details – There will be 4 gentleman observing in our building this semester beginning Tuesday. You may have seen them in our building Fri. afternoon for a tour. Their names are:

  • Baraa Alsubhi- English specialty

  • Al Rayih - Special education specialty

  • Saad Alnashwan - Special education specialty

  • Ahmed Alasmari - Gifted/Arabic speciality

As the teacher-leaders would like exposure to all aspects of our building, Mr. Stockton will be reaching out to many people about observation time this semester. Most weeks they will be here Tues.-Thurs. for about 5 hours each day. Missouri State has provided these suggestions for working with non-native speaking teacher-leaders that you may find helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out to David or I if you have any questions.

-Action plans – Please be sure to share your team’s focus area and plan from last Monday’s meeting with Stacey/Shawnda. We’ll be coming around to team meetings this week if you have any questions. We are excited to talk further with you.

Leader in Me Moment:

Literature is a great way to help teach the habits with students. Check out this list created by Leader in Me for lead time ideas and read alouds!

Teacher Tips/Lesson Idea:

In case you missed it, Cult of Pedagogy, shared their list of "6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2020". There are some news one you may want to check out!

Events This Week


-Green team DARE begins

-Early out: Action team meetings


-Khebrat teacher leaders begin in our building

-Clubs: Breakfast & Books in AM, Reading, Pound Fit, PE+, Drama Llamas


-Lighthouse meeting @ 7:30 am

-Stacey out in AM for e-team meeting

-Special services staffing, 3:30 pm

-Club: Running


-Mr. Compton’s theater class visits (Teams signed up by email with Mr. Compton for specific times.)

-School board meeting

-Clubs: Harry Potter, Tiger Tones, Math


-Teacher Well-Being Course with Maddeaux after school

  • No worries if you missed out on the first meeting. Next week they are planning to discuss this Ted Talk, "A Life of Purpose". Check it out and then they'd love to have you join!

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors

  • Arrival – Front: Finn, Bus: Dubuque, Vestibule: Gehring

  • Dismissal – Navy team (2 bus line-Muller & Bartels, 2 parent line- Steinbach & Maddeaux, 1 vestibule with walkers-Tutton)

Monday – NO SCHOOL-Teacher Professional Day

Agenda: Morning Location: High School Gym; Afternoon - Intermediate South

  • 8:00-10:00 am - Amy Hill from Burrell Behavioral Health: Trauma Informed Practices

  • 10:00-10:15 am - Break

  • 10:15-11:15 am - District Leader in Me Presentation: Sharpening the Saw

  • 11:15 am-12:30 pm - Lunch on your own

  • 12:30-3:00 pm - Building professional learning (Agenda coming very soon!)

Tuesday –

Wednesday –

Thursday – 5th math collaboration day @ WIS-North

Friday- No 6th band (Teachers will be at music conference), Fellowship Fri.

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