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  • Stacey Pippin

January 20-24, 2020

Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:


  • Front-Finn, Bus-Dubuque, Vestibule-Gehring


  • Front & Bus: Navy team (2 bus line-Muller & Bartels, 2 parent line-Steinbach & Maddeaux, 1 vestibule with walkers-Tutton)

STEM class location: Tech Cafe

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Reminder that we are asked to limit our use of candy/food as a reward or incentive with students. Also, there is to be no gum allowed or handed out to students.

-12 Weeks to a Full Heart Challenge – How’d your compliments go last week? This week it’s time to find an inspiring quote to share on a sticky note with your student.

Leader in Me Moment:

As we near the start of student leadership teams, this video from Leader in Me shows how one school is “Letting Go to Empower” their students.

Events This Week

Monday – NO SCHOOL: Teacher Professional Learning Day

AM: Our day will begin as all district in the large gym at the High School.

  • 8:00-10:00 - Amy Hill from Burrell Behavioral Health: Trauma Informed Practices

  • 10:00-10:15 - Break

  • 10:15-11:15 - District Leader In Me Presentation: Sharpening the Saw

Lunch: 11:15-12:40 - Lunch on your own/travel time back to WIS-S

PM: Meet in Commons with device (Phone/laptop/Chromebook), writing utensil, and Powerful Task Webinar Notes/Rubric (if you have them).

  • 12:45 -1:00 - Shout-Outs/Informational Share (Pippin/Stockton/Walker)

  • 1:00 - 2:00 - Rigor Divide/Lesson Design/Engagement (Minor)

  • 2:00 - 3:00 - Content Time

Shared need in content teams:

  • ELA - compiling student groups/comparing NWEA with other data

  • Math/Science - planning for upcoming units

  • Specials - tackling lunch plan, move-it Monday, Valentine Party activities

The question has come up regarding attire for the day... To show our pride/team spirit, please plan on wearing your 3/4 length WIS-S shirt with names on the back (jeans are okay). This is a gift of choice, remember to treat it as a "dress-UP" day, not a "dress-DOWN" day, and err on the side of professionalism. ;)


-Chubby Taco Truck will be here for lunch with discounted food for purchase (More info coming in email soon!)

-Shawnda out of building today for a conference

-Clubs: Breakfast & Books in AM, Reading, PE+, Pound Fit


-Lighthouse meeting @ 7:30 am

-Stacey out in AM for lead team meeting

-Honor Choir students perform at MMEA conference

-Special services staffing, 3:30 pm

-Club: Running


-Team Leader meeting @ 7:30 am

-5th math collaboration day @ WIS-North

-Clubs: Harry Potter, Tiger Tones, Math


-No 6th band (Teachers will be at music conference)

-Fellowship Friday with Mrs. Maddeaux after school

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors

  • Arrival – Front: Wortman, Bus: Johnson, Vestibule: Farrar

  • Dismissal – Green team & Farrar (2 bus line-Farrar & Tait, 2 parent line- Hutcheson & Mize, 1 vestibule with walkers-Walker)

-This week is looking VERY busy with professional learning which equals MANY subs in the building. It will be important for teams to be well prepared. Also, those of us here will want to be proactive with supervision and check in with our subs frequently to help keep things under control. Thank you in advance!

Monday – Speech & debate club, Early out meeting: Agenda-(1) The what & why of student leadership teams (2) Staff check-in on team action plans

Tuesday – Pound Fit club-canceled

Wednesday – GOCSD Restorative Practices PD training (1 teacher per team attending w/ Shawnda)

Thursday – 5th ELA collaboration day @ WIS-South

Friday- Lighthouse team-Coaching day

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