Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Gregory, H. Vest; Front: Cones, Bus: Stowe, Hallway: 6-Farmer-, 5-C. Taylor
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Sprinkel, Dunning; Front-Robertson, Jump; Walkers-Tiller)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
News show:
WIS shared picture folder: Please add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-March Book Tournament: Here are the results from our first week and the final four books. Please have your students vote again this week for the 2 books going to the championship! We'd love to have everyone's input.
-NWEA spring testing this week: NWEA testing schedule, NWEA planning guide
-Spring Parent Conferences: Schedules should be finalized this week and shared with Stacey by end of week. See further details here to help your team plan.
Events This Week
-WIS School Shirt and Jeans Day
-6th Grade - Career Fair during Move-It Monday (Schedule)
-No 6th content meetings due to different Career Fair schedule
-Early Out Meeting:
3:10-3:15 pm - Student Leadership team co-facilitators check-in
3:15-3:30 pm - Welcome Back - Amazing, Ahas and Apologies
3:30-4:30 pm - PD Topic: Strengthening our Student-Led Conferences
-AM Donuts will be here if you'd like to purchase breakfast treats (7:30-9:30 am)
-Special Services Staffing, 7:45 am
-Student Leadership Teams
-ELA District Committee Meeting @ Willard North Elementary (4-5:30 pm)
-Clubs: Cheer, Game, Color Guard
-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:20 am
-NWEA Testing: All teams
-LAD fair submissions due to Mrs. Muller
-Clubs: Band, Running, Crochet begins
-Staff Outing at Wire Road @ 5:00 pm
-No Student Leadership Teams due to NWEA testing
-NWEA Testing: All teams
-3rd quarter grade reports due by 10:00 am
-Clubs: Reading, Soundwave, Lego
-Friday Tiger pride wear and jeans day
-Class Buddies meet
-World Water Day - Enjoy a treat in the teacher’s lounge to celebrate!
-Team Parent Conference schedule due to Stacey
-Tornado Drill @ 3:05 pm
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Douglas; Front: C. Taylor, Bus: Gregory, Hallway: 6-Muller, 5-Cones
Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Walker, Douglas; Front-Stowe, C. Taylor; Walkers-Mullins)
*We will be scheduling the 2nd semester fire and intruder drill this week. Times TBA soon!
Monday - Early Out: No meetings to allow for team conference preparations
Tuesday – Parent Conferences (4-7:30 pm; Dinner @ 5:00 pm), No clubs
Wednesday - Clubs: Band, Running
Thursday - Spring Pictures-Team & Individual, NO Student Leadership Teams, Parent Conferences (4-7:30 pm; Dinner @ 5:00 pm), No clubs
Friday - NO SCHOOL, Board of Education Candidate Forum @ HS Theater (6:00 pm)