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Stacey Pippin

March 22-26, 2021

Welcome back! I truly hope each of you were able to get some downtime to sharpen the saw and enjoy time with those you love during spring break. It's time to bring our energy and finish this year STRONG. I'm excited to be on this ride with each of you. Here's to an amazing 4th quarter making new memories at WIS! :)


Thursday - Brittany Davis

Sunday - Leah Stowe

Arrival: Breakfast: Wortman & Tree, Front: Bowling, Bus: Taylor

Dismissal: Green team (Bus- Pinnix & Tait, Front-Taylor & Walker, Walkers-Johnson)

Please walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Green team will want to come just before the 2:57/3:27 pm bell. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales

  • Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A Week

Weekly News: Each class should watch our news show on Mondays. This is an important way to provide information and recognition for our students and create a sense of community. Kudos to our media leaders and Mr. Stockton who invest a lot of time into relevant and engaging stories!

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Playground Update: Unfortunately, the weather didn’t allow our second crew to complete their part over spring break. The hope is to get it in this week. Equipment should arrive Mon-Tues. and then they will begin work weather permitting. Please continue to keep students away from where they are working. We’re SOOOOO close!

-Spring Conferences: Begin this Thursday-Apr. 1. Please get a copy of your schedule to Stacey prior to your team’s conferences. Dinner will be provided next Tues. evening, Mar. 30 at 4:30 pm. We’ll have Ott’s Pasta and salad. Grade and NWEA reports will be sent home on Friday. This will allow students to focus on their reflections and sharing their learning during the student-led conference time. Please keep in mind these questions as you help students prepare for this time:

  • What can we do to promote student/parent engagement?

  • How can we include student reflections and personal goals?

  • How can we chunk this information so that it is manageable and meaningful?

-Team meetings: Please let Stacey or Shawnda know if you’d like us to pop in or need assistance with anything. Otherwise, we know many teams need time to prepare for conferences.

-6th grade: Note in the week ahead listed below we will have a short assembly about middle school cheerleading for 6th grade girls next Wed. at 3:00 pm.

Adult Learning Weekly Blog Spot from Mrs. Maddeaux:

Keep the Hidden Talents coming! I didn't get a chance to interview anyone before the break, so I don't have a feature this week, but I am getting some interesting talents! Don't forget, you can fill out the form about someone else's talents! If you think someone is particularly good at something, let me know. I will find out how they do it and share it with all of you. It doesn't have to be particularly odd or unusual, and it doesn't have to be related to teaching, but think how nice it would be to get an email from me saying, "Hey... I heard you're really good at..... Can you tell me about it?" The recognition is its own bucket filler! The link to the form is here.

For Accountability Partner time, take some time to talk about your break and what you did to help Sharpen the Saw last week. Really think about how your activities helped to rejuvenate you for the final push into fourth quarter. Maybe set some end of the school year goals!

Tips for Teachers:

12 Fun Ways to Build SEL Skills During Advisory or Homeroom - As we return from spring break for our last quarter, it is a perfect time to intentionally TEACH and PRACTICE the social-emotional skills our students may be struggling with rather than become frustrated. This article gives some great ideas that could be used during Lead Time or anytime!

Events This Week


-Navy team-DARE

Early Out Meeting:

-3:10-3:25 pm - Accountability Partners in commons (Snacks available!)

-3:25-4:10 pm - Choice Learning Opportunities:

  1. Choice Board: You will find 3 previous topics and a new 4th topic, Mindfulness at the Center. This topic will look at teacher self-regulation/emotional intelligence and the role it plays in managing challenging behaviors.

  2. Brené Brown-Daring Classrooms Video Watch Party: Did you enjoy the previous video(s) and discussions around Brené Brown’s books Dare to Lead and Rising Strong; studies on vulnerability and courage? Join us in the library to watch Brené’s keynote speech from the SXSWedu conference in Austin, Texas, 2017. In the video she discusses vulnerability, courage, and shame resilience in classrooms. We’ll watch the video together, have a brief discussion, and possibly make a plan to dig in deeper. For more information/resources, check out her website made for teachers: Daring Classrooms. “The revolution will not be televised, it will be in your classrooms!” - Brene Brown

-4:10-4:30 pm - Staff Community Time Trial Run: We will all meet virtually from our classroom Averboard on Google Meet at code: WISCT to do a practice run for Friday’s first Community Time. See further directions here to make sure you are set-up to join us before this time!


-3rd quarter grades complete by 10:00 am

-5th ELA - Impact Team training in afternoon (Mr. Allie’s room)

-School Board meeting, 7:00 pm

-Clubs: Anime (7:40 am), 5th Reading


-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am

-Team spring conference schedule turned in to Stacey

-Stacey out in AM for lead team meeting

-Club: 6th Band


-SPED staffing @ 7:30 am

-Spring Conference window begins

-Beth out in AM for counselors’ meeting

-Club: 6th Reading


-1st Community Time on Google Meet @ 8:35 am (Nickname: WISCT)

-3rd quarter grades sent home to parents

-Stacey out for meeting (12:00-2:00 pm)

-Club: 6th Band

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Breakfast: Pinnix & Tree, Front: Douglas & Berger, Bus: Fisher

  • Dismissal – Teal team (Bus-Vest & Wolf, Front-Raby & Hayes, Walkers-Maddeaux)

Spring Conference Window continues this week

Monday – Early Out: No meetings to allow scheduling of conferences right after school

Tuesday – Spring Conference-Dinner served 4:30-5:00, Clubs: Anime

Wednesday - Cheerleading Assembly for 6th grade girls (3:00-3:30 pm), Stacey & Shawnda out in AM for super lead team meeting, Club: 6th Band

Thursday -

Friday - NO SCHOOL-Good Friday

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