Monday - Danielle Payne
Tuesday - Wendy Rummel, Leah Vest
Arrival: Breakfast: Cones, Larsen, Eidson; Front: Nelson, Bus: Richardson, Hallway: 6-Douglas, 5-Berger
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Jump & Larsen; Front-Wedgeworth & Walker; Walkers-J. Davis)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A Week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day and/or communicate to Autumn before the day of announcement.
WIS shared picture folder: PLEASE add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!
WIS Weekly News:
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Lunch Count: We will begin taking lunch count on this form starting Tuesday, March 4. The form to record daily lunch is linked here, but also on the Dashboard under “Daily/Weekly”.
-Spring Parent Conferences: It’s that time to begin organizing our spring conferences. Building communication will go out Mon., Mar. 3, then team communication should be sent by next Monday, Mar. 10 re: scheduling. All other details can be found at the link. *Note: Due to not having Fri. off, we will end each evening by 7 pm and shorten dinner to only 30 min.*
-This week is School Social Workers Appreciation Week. A great way to say thank you is to send a quick digital postcard. Our social workers are Erica Russell and Merikate Alexander.
-AMI Day Attendance: We made a lot of progress last week getting work completed. If you have some to still update on the form, please do so asap as we will begin entering attendance. Please continue working on those who do not have anything turned in for one of the days.
-Tutoring Attendance: Please remember to use this new special attendance form to record those students who stay with you.
-Learning Walks: More information will be coming from Samantha soon as we look to reschedule these, hopefully this week!
-Team Newsletters: Be sure to send your monthly newsletter home to parents and share with Stacey, Wendy and Autumn if you haven’t yet.
-Classroom Budgets: Please communicate with Wendy by Friday if you plan to make any purchases with remaining classroom funds.
-Building Staff Wish List: Is there something you wish we had at school or you see needs improvement? Let us know when you think of it! This list is always under “Forms” on the Dashboard and is used as we prioritize purchases with the remaining budget and capital improvements.
Events This Week
-Early Out Meeting:
3:15-3:25 pm - Student Leadership Team facilitators connect
3:25-3:40 pm - Update from Student Lighthouse, Goal Setting Check-in
3:40-4:15 pm - Action team meetings
-6th Grade Scheduling for MS @ Counseling time
-Student Leadership Teams
-Yearbook Order Deadline (Information to Order)
-CANCELLED - Special Services staffing @ 7:45 am
-Clubs: Cheer, Color Guard, STEM

-Stacey out in AM for Lead Team meeting
-Tornado Drill in late afternoon
-Club: 6th Band, Crochet, Origami
-NKOTB meeting @ 3:40 pm
-WIS Night @ Papa Johns
-Student Leadership Teams
-Clubs: Tiger Tones, Reading, Game Board, Drama Llamas
-Assembly Day Schedule (*Note: Teams should plan to return by 9:30 am and may shift instructional block times to best fit this.)
-February Community Time @ 8:40 am (Please come on down after announcements.)
-5th/6th Pioneers
-Brenna out in AM for counseling meeting
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival: Breakfast: Gregory, B. Davis, Eidson; Front: Stowe, Bus: Surber, Hallway: 6-Larsen, 5-Farmer
Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Cochran & Stowe; Front-Vest & Richardson; Walkers-Douglas)
Monday - Early Out Meeting: Visit from Dr. Wilken re: Ballot Issue/District items, Parent Conference communication re: scheduling should be sent by today.
Tuesday - 6th Grade Team Meetings: MTSS Student Check-in/Parent Conference & NWEA Check-in, Clubs: Cheer, Color Guard, STEM, Volleyball, SIT Team meeting @ 3:40 pm
Wednesday - Lighthouse Team Meeting @ 7:20 am, Stacey out in AM for E-Team meeting @ 9:30 am,NKOTB with mentors @ 3:40 pm, Clubs: Band, Crochet, Origami
Thursday - 5th Grade Team Meetings: MTSS Student Check-in/Parent Conference & NWEA Check-in, Intruder Drill in PM, Clubs: Tiger Tones, Reading, Game Board, Lego, WIS Night @ Raising Canes
Friday - End of 3rd Quarter, Career Fair during Double Specials, Parent Conference schedule shared with office staff, including Brenna/Becca.

No School - Spring Break: Mar. 17-21