A great video to get you and your kids pumped up for our BIG WEEK! :)
Friday - Hannah Vest
Arrival – Breakfast: C. Taylor, Dunning, Berger; Front: Stowe; Bus: Surber
AM Testing Days Hallway Supervision: Cones and Bennett
Dismissal – Maroon team (Bus- H. Vest & Douglas, Front- Jessen & B. Davis, Walkers- Herron)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week
WIS News Show:
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
WIS shared picture folder: Please add your school pictures throughout the year.
-20 days of school left!!
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-MAP Testing items: (Schedule)
Plan Ahead - You will want to get started asap during the testing window times. Please be sure to have their treat/water on desks already, extra scratch paper for math, small group students ready for pickup with all items needed, etc.
Small group proctors - Remember, you will be going around to the team(s) to pick up students and their belongings. You will get their testing tickets from Katie when she comes around before each testing session.
Restroom breaks - Please talk with students about the amount of water drinking and restroom breaks. These should only be used in EMERGENCY situations. Our first day saw way more breaks than should be necessary.
Feedback - Please share any feedback you have or think of on this document. It is also linked on the Dashboard under “Current Items-Parking Lot”.
AM Testing Days Hallway Supervision: Cones and Bennett
-Teacher Appreciation Week! We’ve got lots of great things planned this week in conjunction with our Parent Lighthouse team:
-Student Leadership teams: Our last day for all teams to meet will be May 11. We won’t meet this week, so that will leave 2 more meetings next week! If your team has a need to meet outside of this, we can find a way to make it happen.
-May calendar items: If your club or group is NOT planning to meet or you make any changes to days, please be sure to let Stacey know so that we can update the calendar and ensure all are aware.
-End of Year Items: IE logs are due May 11 and Career Ladder logs are due May 15. Check-out document is coming soon!
-Food Allergy Awareness Week: Mark your calendars for May 14-20! We’ll be doing daily announcements, #TealTakeover by wearing teal on Tuesday (represents food allergy awareness), videos, and more fun coming as we try to spread the importance of being food allergy aware.
-Team information to share re: next year placement: Please add this to your team meeting agenda to discuss and give input re: students for next year’s placement. This folder contains a team document that you can add your team information (separations, moving, special considerations, etc.) on in order and is very helpful.
-40 Book Challenge: As students complete the challenge, please complete the 40 book form. We would like to begin getting their prizes to them and build excitement for others! We also plan to have them wear their shirts and be honored at the last day of school assembly.
Events This Week
-There will be no content meetings today in order to give you and your team planning time.
-Teacher Appreciation: Trail Mix (*Please be cautious with the many allergies we have in the building.)
-Early out meeting: 3:15 pm - Action teams-Quick connection, check in on event planning needs and open work time
-5th/6th MAP Testing: AM-ELA, PM-Math
-NO Student Leadership Teams due to MAP testing this week.
-Teacher Appreciation: Lunch-Salad Bar
-Club: Reading
-NO Lighthouse Team or SIT Team meeting this week.
-WIS Olympics Championships: 6th Trivia (Tiger Den) & 5th Basketball (Gym)
-Stacey out AM for Lead Team meeting
-Teacher Appreciation: Lunch-Diamond Head Chinese food
-Club: Band, CTO, Rockhound, Game Board
-NO Student Leadership Teams due to MAP testing this week.
-5th/6th MAP Testing: AM-Math, PM-ELA
-Essential Skills-Fishing Field Trip
-Teacher Appreciation: Breakfast
-Parent Lighthouse Meeting @ 6 pm
-Clubs: Tiger Tones, Lego
Friday - Early Dismissal @ 12:30 pm
-Hat Day
-Teacher Appreciation: Lunch-Tacos
-No orders for The Hive since we will have Teacher Appreciation lunch.
-5th Band Intro Assembly (Time: 9:00-10:00 am)
FYI: 6th band students will be performing at the 5th assembly
-School Lunch Hero Day
-Health Benefits 1-1 Mandatory Meetings to sign up for next year
Benefits Booklet (1 paper copy will be provided to you this week)
-Afternoon: Open work time (A great time to work on some of our events-Transition Day, 6th Party, Field Day, etc.)
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Breakfast: C. Taylor, Davis, Surber; Front: Nelson; Bus: Berger
Dismissal – Navy team (Bus- King & Cisneros, Front- Tiller & Patton, Walkers-Robertson)
Monday - Early Out: TBD-Possible district and/or action team planning
Tuesday - Lunch provided by MSTA for staff, Student Leadership teams, Last SPED Staffing, Mark Twain/Truman Readers-Field Trip from 10:30 am-1:30 pm (Mrs. Farmer will send list of students attending.), Clubs: Drama Llamas, Reading
Wednesday - School Nurse Appreciation Day, Olympics @ Lead time: 6th Basketball and 5th Trivia, 5th Band Instrument Testing during specials class, Clubs: Band, CTO, Rockhound, Game Board
Thursday - Last Day for Student Leadership teams, Club: Tiger Tones
Friday - Hat Day, 5th Band Instrument Assignment Letters Home, Stacey will be out today, 2nd semester IE logs due, Clubs: Band, Macrame