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  • Stacey Pippin

May 13-17, 2024

Updated: May 13

Arrival:  Breakfast: Schumer, Davis, Richardson; Front: C. Taylor, Bus: Hyde, Hallway: 6-Stowe, 5-Muller

Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Sprinkel, Dunning; Front-Robertson, Jump; Walkers-Tiller)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

News show:

WIS shared picture folder: Please add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Thanks to everyone for your efforts during MAP testing. It is always difficult to have different schedules and long testing times. Overall, things went really well and we're anxious to see how the students did. BIG thanks also to Brenna for all of her efforts which made things run smoothly!

-5th Parent Transition Night (5:30-6:30 pm) & 6th Year End Party (3:40-6:00 pm) this week.

  • All are welcome to attend either event as we can always use the help!

  • 5th teachers plan to attend transition night and 6th teachers the 6th year end party.

  • All other certified staff, please sign up or let us know which you plan to attend if you haven't already!

-Student Input for next year class placement: At your next team meeting, please discuss and share team input re: next year placement (ie. separations, possibly moving, special considerations, etc.) with Stacey on the "Student Suggestions" document linked on the Dashboard under "Current Events" at the bottom of the column.

-6th Year End Party: Students MUST have permission slip in order to stay after school for our party. Then, will stay in the classroom with you at dismissal until all party set-up is ready. They will leave their belongings in locker/team area and come to the commons when announced and doors to team areas will be locked from the commons. Pickup is at 6:00 pm and will run like car dismissal with staff helping.

-Teacher EOY Checklist - All are working on check out items to complete (ie. SLO, 4Q grades due next Mon., inventory, etc.). Please don't hesitate to ask if you've got any questions or need help!

Teaching Tips & Tidbits:

As MAP testing is complete, the natives are restless! We have only a few days left and it's so important to continue to put careful thought into planning the daily lessons and activities you will do in order to keep students engaged and behaviors down. We're tired and many of our students think we're done learning at this point. ;)

Want a fun activity that goes along with our tropical theme? Here's a fun idea. Or, check out this list of reflective writing activities or here to do with your class or independently. Let's finish STRONG!

Events This Week


-No content meetings - EOY preparations (checklist items, grades, etc.)

-IE logs due 

-Baby Shower @ lunch for Kaitlyn Dunning and Jennifer Walker

  • Enjoy cupcake and punch during lunch

  • Gift suggestions:

    • Kaitlyn- diapers, wipes, baby books, and gift cards to Target or Amazon

    • Jennifer- Target and Amazon

-5th Band Instrument Selection @ Learning Park (Navy- 12:50 pm; Green- 1:35 pm)

  • Students who have said YES to joining band only need to attend.

-Early Out Meeting: (**Please bring student leadership team display boards to commons this afternoon if you haven't already turned in!**)

  • 3:15-3:25 pm - Amazing, Ahas and Apologies

  • 3:30-4:15 pm - MRA Results & Action Team Feedback for Next Year Goals

-Retirement Celebration @ Big Whiskeys (4:45-6:45 pm)


-Transition Day- See schedule for details (8:45-10:30 am)

-Amanda out for Infinite Campus training (10:45 am-1:00 pm)

-Clubs: Color Guard, Cheer, Drama Llamas

-5th Incoming Parent Transition Night (5:30-6:30 pm)


-Career Ladder hours due

-Teal Team Field Trip (9:00 am-2:30 pm)

-Clubs: Band, Crochet

-Lighthouse team planning meeting (3:50-7:00 pm)

-Palen Instrument Night-5th Grade @ 6:30 pm


-Last Student Leadership team day of the year

-6th ELA - Walking field trip to WOHE (Schedule)

-Clubs: Reading, Volleyball


-All Chromebooks turned in (Check-in Sign up)

-DRA Scores due

-Club: STEM-Dominoes

-6th Year End Party (3:45-6:00 pm) – Sign up help

A Look Ahead to our Last Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival:  Breakfast: Schumer, Gregory, Douglas; Front: Cones, Bus: Dunning, Hallway: 6-Richardson, 5-Farmer

  • Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Walker, Douglas; Front-Stowe, C. Taylor; Walkers-Mullins)

-MAP testing makeups (If needed-Mrs. Davis will let you know.)

Monday - 4 Qtr grades reports due, Foam Party during Move-It Mon., Early Out meeting: Year End Celebration

Tuesday – Field Day (Schedule details coming soon!); MAP team reward time opposite field day

Wednesday - Talent Show (2:00-3:20 pm), 6th Band Performance @ 6:30 pm

Thursday - Last Day, Dismissal @ 12:30 pm, EOY Community Time @ 9:15 am (Plan for 45 min-1 hour long)

Friday -NO SCHOOL, Check-out times available if needed-Enjoy summer!

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