Tuesday - Bethanie Tait
Thursday - Paige Berger
Arrival: Breakfast: Wortman & Tree, Front: Bowling, Bus: Taylor
Dismissal: Green team (Bus- Pinnix & Tait, Front-Taylor & Walker, Walkers-Johnson)
Please walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Green team will want to come just before the 2:57/3:27 pm bell. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:
Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales
Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A Week
Weekly News Show:
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Friday we will offer staff a boxed lunch to benefit The Hive. If you're interested in lunch covered and donating to a great cause, see the link here to order.
-Last team meetings: We will plan to meet NEXT week with you to finalize your team reading goals on the data folders. With field day scheduled for that Tues., we may need to do the normal Tues. meetings on Wed. If there's anything you need us to drop in for this week, please let Stacey know!
-Grade reports: The quarter 'ends' this Fri. Grades need to be complete by 10 am on Tues., May 25. Please be sure all students have a year end comment. Then, each homeroom teacher is responsible for proofreading their class grade reports before letting Stacey know the team is complete for printing. Please look for consistency in standards listed with grades among students, spelling typos, behavior scores, IEP students complete, etc. when proofreading.
-Next Year Placement: Please discuss as a team and send Stacey any information that may be helpful re: student placement, need for separations, etc.
-Check out checklist for teachers - Here is the digital copy. If I didn't talk with you last week about this, it's my plan to connect with you this week. If you need boxes we're trying to collect extras and they will be in the music office. You may schedule a time to check-out here. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
-IE Logs - Reminder that your 2nd semester logs are due Thurs.
-Field Day-Tues., May 25: Schedule and details should be communicated this week.
-Book Fair: The book fair continues this week from 8:20 am-4:00 pm each day. Please limit AM shopping to those only with money because a limit of 15 students at a time will be allowed. Monday shopping will only be allowed before/after school.
-Celebration Day on May 28: Tentative schedule. Don't forget to get your TEAM student names to Mrs. Walker to participate in the Community Time this day.
-You are invited to an after party next Monday to honor our retirees:
Adult Learning Weekly Blog Spot from Mrs. Maddeaux:
In my Facebook memories this morning was a meme from my first year of teaching that said, "There is no tired like end of the year teacher tired". This year that seems amplified by about 1000! I was ready for bed last night at 6... on a Saturday! This year has kicked my but, and I know I am not alone. But, I got out of bed this morning to the thought that I only have 2 more weeks with these kids. Two more weeks to make sure they've learned everything that I want to teach them (which has very little to do with reading and math). I have two weeks to fill their buckets so full that when they get to middle school, they are armored against the barbed wire that this transition forces them to navigate. For our kids, this is bigger than just the transition to middle school. This is where they leave Springfield and truly become Willard kids. I was on the bus with them for transition day. Many of the kids have never been to Willard, and the middle school was a terrifying place.
I'm tired. You're tired. I know, for me, that means my temper is a little shorter than usual. I'm anxious and nervous and I have way too much to do all of a sudden. My patience is thin. But our kids are scared. They're scared to leave behind what they know and head off into this big scary world where they are the little fish in a big pond. But they won't tell you they are scared. They don't even recognize it themselves. They have already started to push people away. They're trying to distance themselves from the heartbreak that they know is coming. Their fear, along with our tired, is a dangerous combination that could lead to some pretty big blow ups over these next two weeks. I encourage you (and myself) to work extra hard to have some grace with these guys.
Remember our 7 Habits, because we're going to need them! Be Proactive: make a plan for how you're going to handle not only the disruptions, but the message you want to leave them with. Begin with the End in Mind: What do you REALLY want them to know before next Friday? Put First Things First: Figure out what absolutely has to get done (like maybe the 7 Habits Awards nominations? haha) and tackle that job early. Think Win Win: How can we rearrange our day to meet everyone's needs? Seek First to Understand: Don't forget, they're kids facing a big change and they're apprehensive. Have grace. Synergize: We're all in this together. How can we work together to help get us through? and Sharpen the Saw: Not just individually, but with your students. We're all struggling. Let's not forget to recharge our batteries.
Enjoy these next two weeks! Fill buckets, including your own. Last year, we ended so suddenly and had no closure. This year, be intentional in that closure. Make sure you are sending them off so well loved that they are bulletproof to whatever life throws at them after they walk out our doors.
I've got nothing for Accountability Partners. I can't top our last couple of weeks of team building! Let's just visit and help each other with our plans to get through the next couple of weeks. If you're struggling with a particular habit and how to make that happen, see if your Accountability Partner has any suggestions. This is a great opportunity to synergize!
Events This Week
-Christy will be helping in book fair and not available today
-Early Out in the commons:
3:10-3:25 pm - Accountability partner check-in
3:30-3:50 pm - District instructional update
3:50-4:30 pm - Action team meetings
-Final DRA scores and criteria sheets due
-5th ELA collaboration day @ Mr. Allie’s room
-Stacey out 9:00-11:00 am for meeting
-Clubs: Film Club
-Lighthouse team meeting
-Stacey out AM for lead team meeting
-Club: 6th Band
-Special services staffing?
-6th ELA collaboration day @ Mr. Allie’s room
-IE 2nd semester logs due
-School Board meeting, 7:00 pm @ WIS-South
-Box Lunch offer to benefit The Hive delivered to school today
-Community Time @ 8:40 am (Green team is leading this week.)
-End of 4th Quarter (Grades due May 25 @ 10:00 am)
-Students who have all library books and Chromebooks turned in today will be entered in drawing for prizes.
-Club: 6th Band
-Congratulations to Brittany Davis on your wedding day!
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Breakfast: Pinnix & Tree, Front: Douglas & Berger, Bus: Fisher
Dismissal – Teal team (Bus-Vest & Wolf, Front-Raby & Hayes, Walkers-Maddeaux)
Monday – Early out meeting: Year Wrap-Up Celebration, Retirees after party @ Big Whiskeys
Tuesday – Field Day, 4th quarter grades due in computer by 10:00 am, Club: Drama Llamas
Wednesday - Green & teal team meetings, Mark Twain/Truman Ice Cream Party @ 3:00 pm in library, Football info meeting @ 3:15 pm in gym for any 6th grader interested in middle school football, Club: 6th Band
Thursday - Navy & maroon team meetings
Friday - Early Out Dismissal 12:30 pm, Grade Reports Home, Staff Picnic at the HS following dismissal, Check-out