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  • Stacey Pippin

May 4-8, 2020

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!! It's so hard not to be with you in order to spoil you like you deserve!!! This week may not be the same, but we'll make up for it once we're back together again- I promise!!! We've got a couple small things up our sleeve until then. Also, check out our daily "Lucky Duck" drawing where I'll be giving away 2 gift cards a day!

Housekeeping Items:

-Teacher teams have been determined for next year. We do have an opening that will be posted ASAP to complete our teal team. After the board meeting Tues. evening, I will be sharing more about a few new staff members. Our amazing teams for next school year include:

-School Time Capsule - We'd love to create a time capsule to capture our first year at WIS-South. We've saved a few things, but need more items. If you run across anything while packing up or have a great idea of something to include, please let Stacey know. We'll also have a box by the office to put items in.

-May Enhanced Learning Tracker - Each content teacher will keep track of students engaged with the weekly activity and then feedback given by Friday on this document through May 22. Please have these updated each Friday.

-Communication Log - As we will be keeping track of engagement on the tracker above, this document will be where you notate the following:

  • Email sent at the start of the week.

  • Phone communication/Text/Mail sent

  • Zoom meetings/Seesaw contacts

  • Special teachers - Please be sure to add your contacts also with Zoom meetings, birthdays, email, etc!

  • Phone contact/outreach this week (besides the May enhanced learning above) should be focused on those students needing extra encouragement to complete activities. Also, those not included on this district list (2nd tab) having received a device, yet we know could benefit from having one. Parents may still contact district office to get one mailed.

  • There may be some duplication between the two documents above, but hopefully this helps clarify what to put where. The goal is that we are continuing to reach out, encourage learning and be a resource for families.

-Student Belongings/Teacher Pack-up Guidelines - May 4-May 15

  • Schedule Sign-up

  • Guidelines

  • First priority is the pack-up of student belongings, so this is complete and the items have time to sit before we distribute on May 18 & 20.

  • Stacey will be in and out throughout the week. Feel free to email or text if you have any questions!

-Locker Challenge - In order to make the wonderful task of cleaning out student lockers a little more fun, we're going to make a game out of it! Share your pictures of the best items found with Stacey. Then, we'll vote the last week of school on who wins the top prize(s) for a PRIZE!! :)

-Teacher contracts - These will be arriving to you by email. Signing will be done digitally this year and should be returned by May 15. If you don't receive yours in the next couple of days, contact Sara Towry.

-Suggestions for next school year - We had a lot of things that went well this year and also many ideas for improvement to make our building stronger. As I don't remember all of these, I've created this form to collect your input. Please, share your ideas or suggestions on the form as they come to you. I will plan to leave it open throughout the summer.

-Student Placement - Please share your team input re: student needs for next school year (suggested student separations, possibly moving, special things to consider, etc). This will be especially important to add since our year end conversations are not getting to happen as well.

Calendar Items This Week


-Grab & Go meals, 10:00 am -12:00 pm


-Special Services meeting with MS teachers re: placement for next year @ 11:30 am

-School Board - Study session meeting @ 6:00 pm -Teal team zoom student meetings @ 11:00 am and 6:00 pm


-School Nurse Appreciation Day

-Grab & Go meals, 10:00 am -12:00 pm

-Special Services meeting with elementary re: placement for next year @ 1:00 pm

-Green team zoom student meeting @ 10:00 am

-Navy team zoom student meetings @ 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm


-Update communication log by noon with your contacts made this week

-Maroon team zoom student meeting @ 10:00 am

-Green team zoom student meeting @ 2:00 pm -Team staff meetings with Stacey & Shawnda:


-Update May enhanced learning tracker with engagement/teacher feedback

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