Educators right now: It is fair to say all of us are likely
struggling & yet we are simultaneously in this together.
The end of May is coming soon enough. We got THIS!
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Nelson, Cisneros; Front: Stowe, Bus: Surber, Hallway: 6-Berger, 5-C. Taylor
Dismissal: Maroon team (Bus- H. Vest & Richardson; Front- Barber & Wells; Walkers- Jessen)
Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:
Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
News show:
WIS shared picture folder: Please add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-40 Book Challenge- ELA teachers, please add your students to our lists in order to prepare prizes for 40 Book Challenge:
-Staff Wishlist/Capital Improvements: As we look to wrap up this year and set goals for next year, we would love your input. If you’ve got an idea, wish list item our building/your classroom needs or a capital improvement you have noticed, please let us know on this document!
-IE hours log is due on Mon., May 13, so you will want to be updating your logs!
Events This Week

-Breakfast Burritos and Fruit
-Content meetings - Last one for the year to allow for EOY preparations on May 13 & 20 (grades, checklist, etc.)
-Root Beer floats
-Early Out Meeting:
3:10-3:20 pm - Amazing, Ahas and Apologies
3:20-3:35 pm - Update re: ELA curriculum adoption
3:35-4:30 pm - Content meeting work time
-Sped. Staffing @ 7:45 am (as needed)
-MAP Testing begins: Math Session 1 & 3
-Rhonda out in AM for Infinite Campus training
-Pizza Hut lunch provided by MSTA
-Clubs: Game, Color Guard, Cheer

-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am
-MAP Testing: Math Session 2
-School Nurse Appreciation Day
-Care to Learn-Wear Green Day
-Stock the Lounge by Parent Lighthouse - Enjoy the goodies!
-Fla-mingle prizes
Find your flamingo in your mailbox and then pay attention for our winning numbers to be announced after testing to win fabulous prizes!
-6th Grade - MAP is complete! Celebrate with an extra 30 min. team recess today if it works with your schedule.
Please notify the office of the time you go out and avoid 5th grade recess.
-Clubs: Band, Running
-MAP 5th Only Testing: Science Session 2
-Tacos & Salad Bar for lunch from Marigold Farms
-Stacey out for district interviews (Dr. Douglas will be available as needed)
-Rhonda out in AM for Infinite Campus training
-5th Grade - MAP is complete! Celebrate with an extra 30 min. team recess today if it works with your schedule.
Please notify the office of the time you go out and avoid 6th grade recess.
-Clubs: Reading, Soundwave, Lego
-NKOTB with mentors @ 3:45 pm

-Mochas & Massages:
AM Donuts @ 7:30-9:30 am (Staff and community may purchase items)
10 min. massages provided for all staff interested (Sign up here)
-Student Leadership Team Day
We’ve added this day to ensure all can finalize boards and are prepared for transition day.
Our LAST student leadership team day will be Thursday, May 16.
-5th Band Instrument Testing (Location: Tiger Den) - Tentative Schedule:
9:05-9:20 am - MULLINS
9:20-9:35 am - WALKER
9:35-9:50 am - SPRINKEL
9:50-10:05 - ROBERTSON
10:05-10:20 am - JUMP
10:20-10:35 am - TILLER
-Last day of Pioneers
-All library books turned in
-Insurance Open Enrollment ends
-Stacey out for Infinite Campus training (11:00 am-1:00 pm)
-Club: STEM-Dominoes
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Davis, Richardson; Front: C. Taylor, Bus: Hyde, Hallway: 6-Stowe, 5-Muller
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Sprinkel, Dunning; Front-Robertson, Jump; Walkers-Tiller)
-MAP testing makeups (If needed-Mrs. Davis will let you know.)
Monday - IE Logs due, No content meetings (EOY items: checklist, grades, etc.), 5th Band Instrument Selection (Navy- 12:50 pm; Green- 1:35 pm), Early Out: MRA Results & Action team meeting, Retirement Party for Hayes & Tiller @ Big Whiskeys

Tuesday – Late Start Schedule, Transition Day-Time: 8:45-10:30 am (More details to come this week!), Parent Transition Night (5:30-6:30 pm), Clubs: Cheer, Color Guard, Drama Llamas
Wednesday - Career Ladder hours due, Teal Team Field Trip, Lighthouse team planning meeting (3:50-7:00 pm), Clubs: Band, Crochet, Palen Instrument Night-5th Grade @ 6:30 pm
Thursday - 6th ELA-Walking Field Trip to WOHE, Clubs: Volleyball, Reading
Friday - Chromebooks turned in, DRA scores due, 6th Year End Party (3:45-6:00 pm)