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Stacey Pippin

November 14-18, 2022

  • Arrival – Breakfast: C. Taylor, Vest, B. Taylor; Front: Bennett; Bus: Cones

  • Dismissal – Green team (Bus-Mullins & Taylor, Front- Walker & Sechler, Walkers- Stowe)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

WIS shared picture folder: Please add your school pictures throughout the year. We’d love to have lots to choose from for the yearbook!

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-House of Leaders Team Names - Please add your team information if you haven't. Coach Bennett will bring each team a banner to decorate with their team information to bring to our assembly on Wednesday.

-Student Leadership Teams: These begin on Tuesday. Here is a map of locations for our teams.

Mr. Surber and the Shared Leadership action team will be providing classes with their homeroom list ASAP so that you are able to share this information with your students before Tuesday morning.

-Winter Wonderland Festival is Dec. 9 from 6:00-8:00 pm - We would love to have everyone participate and have several ways you can help:

  • Sign up of various roles.

  • Booth sign up - We’d love to have clubs, student leadership teams, and/or action teams sign up with a booth. You could also encourage students that would like to share about their cultural celebrations to do a booth.

-Thanksgiving Food Drive: Special thanks to Katie for organizing the food drive. Thanks to everyone who shared it with your students and donated items. We were able to provide a great Thanksgiving meal & box of food for 6 families at WIS!

-”House of Leaders” school shirt:

  • Classroom Teachers: Please add your homeroom students shirt sizes to our form for ordering. We’d like to have these by Tuesday.

  • Staff shirts: We will also try to get staff shirts provided. You will be able to get a team color, black or white. Please complete the form for your shirt size and color. *If we don’t hear from you, we’ll get the size you shared at the beginning of the year and pick color.

  • Spirit Store: We will have more information coming soon about a Spirit Store where anyone can purchase long sleeve shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc.

-Friendsgiving Potluck: We would like to do appetizers, dips, etc. next Monday after school during our Early Out meeting. Please sign up to bring an item if you can.

-Math WIGs: How are student goals going? Have you planned time this week for them to meet with their accountability partners and update the student and class scoreboards? Would you like support in making this happen? Just let someone on the Achieve Goals action team, Samantha or Stacey know!

-Assembly ROAR expectations: If you haven’t already, please talk with your class re: expectations for our assembly. Specials will also be going over this during Move-It Monday. Here is a team seating chart. It’s also located on the dashboard under ‘Faculty Info’.

-Holiday Dinner & Ornament Exchange - We'd love to get together for dinner. Help us pick a day to make it happen!

Teacher Tidbits:

Came across this tweet recently from @DrBradJohnson and curious what your thoughts are?

Events This Week


-Feel free to wear jeans and make the most of THIS MONDAY! :)

-Content meetings (Samantha is unable to be here, but we will still meet in her room. Please have someone take notes on the agenda. She will keep an eye on these if you have questions or need her help with anything.)

-Early out meeting:

  • 3:10-3:30 pm - Accountability Partners

  • 3:30-4:30 pm - Staff meeting: Common Expectations calibration and reflection/Reset Room


-Special Services Staffing @ 7:45 am

-Student Leadership Teams begin (Map Locations)

-”House of Leaders” shirt sizes turned in (Homeroom teachers)

-Clubs: Reading, Drama Llamas


-Lighthouse Team meeting @ 7:20 am (Muller’s room)

-Assembly, 8:45-9:30 am - Leadership Guest Speaker, Kevin Kline

  • Teams will be called down for assembly.

-SIT team meeting after school with Teal team (Meeting room #1 in office)

-Clubs: CTO, Star Wars, Rockhound


-NKOTB meeting with Samantha after school

-Student Leadership Teams

-Katie out for counselors meeting this morning

-School Thanksgiving Meal provided

-Clubs: Lego, Tiger Tones (until 5:30 pm)


-Katie out today

-Greene County Sheriff building walk through with Officer Riggin @ 11:00 am

  • FYI - GCSO has partnered with our school police to do a safety walk-through of all district buildings as a proactive approach in our emergency procedure safety plan. There is nothing you need to do, but didn’t want anyone to be alarmed if you see them.

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Breakfast: C. Taylor, Cisneros, B. Taylor; Front: Cones; Bus: Surber

  • Dismissal – Teal team (Bus- Collier & Nelson, Front- Hayes & Hill, Walkers-L. Vest)

*The district is currently updating the Strategic Plan. Part of this includes feedback from all staff, so there is a possibility on Mon. or Tues. we may have a group here to briefly meet with staff during their content/plan time with a few quick questions. More information to come as I get it!

Monday - Early Out Meeting: Friendsgiving & Action team meetings

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Friday - NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break

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