Tuesday - Cindy Awad
**Note: Greeting schedule for arrivals has changed due to no longer taking temperatures!**
Arrival: Breakfast-Tree & Wortman, Front-Finn & Bowling, Bus-Taylor
Dismissal: Green team (Bus- Pinnix & Tait, Front-Taylor & Walker, Walkers-Johnson)
Please walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Green team will want to come just before the 3:27 pm bell. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:
Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales
Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: No Monday this week. Next week will be A Week.
STEM class location: Innovation Lab
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
WIS News:
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Please don’t forget to add pictures and videos to our literacy folder this week to highlight our reading efforts that will be shared during the academic spotlight with the school board on Nov. 3.
-MRA survey - All staff are asked to complete the staff survey. Classroom teachers please discuss with your class and then administer the student survey with them by end of the day on Friday.
-It’s payday this week. A great time to pay your social committee dues if you haven’t yet. Turn in to Brian Hayes’ mailbox in the envelope and mark your name off the list. Dues are: $20 certified, $10 non-certified.
-Please let the office know ASAP if your team has grades completed. We’d like to start printing on Monday if possible.
-It’s Digital Citizenship week! Check out our district resources for ways you can incorporate it in your class this week.
-Team meetings - Quick check-in this week re: parent/teacher conferences, iTime efforts towards reading goal and anything else you may need help with.
-Homebound Attendance Log - Please be sure to log contacts made with our students on homebound due to COVID reasons on this document DAILY.
-Parent/Teacher conference window begins this week - Nov. 6. Once your team has a schedule, please turn in to Stacey.
Adult Learning Weekly Blog Spot:
I think everyone would agree the Brene Brown video was GREAT! It just so happens to go right along with some of the trash that has been collecting in our trash can. It seems most of us would like to hear that story you're telling yourself rather than you sharing it with your friends! This week, we have an article about "Passion Gossip". The idea is to externalize positivity by singing peoples' praises rather than focusing on your frustrations.
Check out this article, then talk with your Accountability Partner about some steps you might take to radiate positivity and help improve school culture!
Teaching Tip/Tech Resource:
Have you heard of Jamboard? We’ve seen a few teachers trying out this great whiteboard app from Google. If you want to learn more about it check out this list of ideas and templates.
Events This Week
Monday - NO SCHOOL
-Teacher Professional Learning - See SCHEDULE for details and links to choice board sessions. We hope this schedule allows you time to invest in the learning and tasks you most need right now.
-Lunch will be ready for those who signed up in the teachers’ lounge by 11:30 am.
-Health Risk Assessments (Location: Gym) - Find all information needed in emails from Shelly Vaughn. At the time slot you’ve signed up for, you will want to bring your insurance card and completed paperwork for flu shot if you choose. Don’t forget to fast 10 hours prior. More information can be found here.
-Grade reports are due by 10:00 am
-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am (Tech Cafe)
-Pioneers (8:30-11:00 am)
-1st quarter grade reports sent home with students
-Stacey in virtual MLDS meeting (9-11:30 am)
-Special Services Staffing @ 7:30-8:00 am (Sped Office-Room 201)
-Last day to complete the staff and student MRA survey for Leader in Me.
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Breakfast: Pinnix & Tree, Front: Douglas & Berger, Bus: Fisher
Dismissal – Teal team
Red Ribbon Week - See spirit days here.
Monday – DARE-Green team, Early Out: Staff meeting re: LIM
Tuesday –
Wednesday – Stacey out AM for lead team meeting
Thursday – Beth out AM for counselors’ meeting
Friday -