Arrival: A crew: (Vestibule/Breakfast-Fisher, Front-Douglas & Wilson, Bus-Berger, Hudson, Maddeaux, Pinnix & Stowe)
Dismissal: Navy team (Bus- Cones & Muller, Front-Tutton & Steinbach, Walkers-Bryant)
Please walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Navy team may come at their scheduled time for supervision. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:
Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales
Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B WEEK
STEM class location: Innovation Lab
WIS News:
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Have you submitted your PD plan in Talent Ed? If so, please also reach out to Rhonda Drake to schedule a time to meet with Stacey.
-Paid Social committee dues yet? Turn in to Brian Hayes’ mailbox in envelope and mark your name off the list. Dues are: $20 certified, $10 non-certified.
-Team meetings - No pressing items that we Stacey/Shawnda need to share. We’re happy to come if you have questions or want us to though, just let us know!
-Homebound Attendance Log - Please be sure to log contacts made with our students on homebound due to COVID reasons on this document DAILY.
-If you haven’t set up notification on your team spreadsheet for homebound students, please be sure you do in order to get an email notification when a student is added to homebound. Stacey is no longer sending specific emails and updating the team document instead.
-Please make sure your seating chart for class and lunch is updated!
-We’d like to have all grades complete by Tues., Oct. 20 if possible. Then, we’ll send them home on Oct. 21 now.
-Have you signed up for the HRA next week? All staff with school insurance must do so to receive full board paid insurance amount. Flu shots will also be available!
Adult Learning Weekly Blog Spot:
If you guys don't start filling up our trash can, you're going to keep being stuck with TED talk videos! This week, the topic is happiness. This talk is called, "How to be Happy". One of the big takeaways is the definition of happiness. The ancient Greek definition of happiness is "the joy you feel as you move toward your potential". This definition maintains that happiness is possible even in the midst of difficulty. I'm going to warn you that this guy talks FAST, and it's a little disconcerting at first, but his message is sound and well researched. This video is 13 minutes long, but the first 1.30 is introduction, and he's probably giving us 40 minutes of information!
Today, with your accountability partner, think about your happiness. We talk a lot about the circle of control and what things we have the power to change. We also often hear about how we have the power to change our weather, but we don't often get the tools to allow us to do that. Sean Achor gives you a few concrete activities, and the scientific research behind them. What are you willing to try, or have you tried, to rewire your brain toward happiness?
Staff Shout-Out:
Congratulations to Mrs. Muller and Mrs. Tutton on receiving these amazing books from The Conscious Kid. The donation includes a great list of books for their classroom libraries to represent all students.
Events This Week
-Charcuterie boxes delivered by 11:00 am. Please have your money in the office BY 10:30 am.
-Green team-DARE
-Early out meeting (Location: Commons by 3:10 pm):
-3:10-3:25 pm: Accountability partners-Catch up and discuss the information above on the weekly blog spot re: our own happiness.
-3:30-4:00 pm: Lighthouse team - Staff activity
-4:00-4:30 pm: Trauma informed learning with Mrs. Johnson (District)
-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am (Tech Cafe)
-Pioneers (8:30-11:00 am)
-Stacey & Shawnda out of building for super lead team meeting (9:00 am-12:30 pm)
-Special Services Staffing @ 7:30-8:00 am (Sped Office-Room 201)
-Earthquake Drill @ 10:15 am
-School board meeting @ 7:00 pm
Friday - Early Out 12:30 pm
-Last day of 1st quarter
-Afternoon is work time
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Front: Bryant & Finn, Bus: B Crew, Vestibule/Breakfast: Wortman
Dismissal – Green team (Bus-Pinnix & Tait, Front-Taylor & Walker, Walkers-Johnson)
Monday – NO SCHOOL - District PD schedule TBA soon!
Tuesday – 1st Qtr. Grades Due @ 10 am, Health Risk Assessments @ WIS-South in the gym this morning
Wednesday – 1st Qtr. Grades Sent Home
Thursday –
Friday -