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Stacey Pippin

October 7-11, 2019

Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:


Front- Finn, Bus- DuBuque, Vestibule-Gehring, Commons/Breakfast-Crain

  • Expectations: Arrive by 8:10 am. Front greeter is outside at parent line welcoming students until tardy bell. Commons/vestibule greets students prior to 8:15 am in the vestibule allowing breakfast eaters to go at 8:10 am, then the rest to class at 8:15 am, then continues greeting as students come in/breakfast. Bus helps welcome students as they get off the bus.


Front & Bus: Navy team (2 bus line-Tutton & Muller, 2 parent line- Steinbach & Bartels, 1 vestibule with walkers-Maddeaux)

  • Expectations: Arrive just before dismissal bell rings. 2 team members assist with bus release, 2 team members lead parent pick-up line outside and 1 team member stays in the vestibule with walkers/bike riders. (Bike riders/walkers going northeast may release to Stacey upon buses leaving. The other walkers may release when car traffic is down to minimal.)

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week

STEM class location: Innovation Lab (*Bring Chromebook and earbuds to class!*)

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Class parties are next Friday the 18th. We have discussed some possibilities for new plans, but with the time quickly approaching this may need to be simplified down quite a bit for this go-round. Stacey will be reaching out to teams re: parent interest in helping and ways this may look.

Leader in Me Moment:

This week we're looking at Habit 1: Being Proactive.

The Highly Effective Paradigm of Being Proactive is: I am free to choose and am ultimately responsible for my happiness.

Highly Effective Practices are:

  • Pause and respond based on principles and desired results

  • Use proactive language

  • Focus on your Circle of Influence

  • Become a Transition Person

This week, focus on pausing before responding and using proactive language. Keep track of how you feel each day and if it is making a difference in your daily and professional life.

Teacher Tips:

Next week is Digital Citizenship week. How can you incorporate this into your classroom? See several ideas from Janetta here.

Events This Week


-DARE-Navy team

-Varnish Day (Schedule) – Please bring your class to the nurses’ office at your scheduled time and have the students highlighted on your list in alpha order to help things move quickly.

-Stacey is out today, but plans to be back tomorrow!

-Shawnda gone conference

-Early Out meeting:

  • 3:05-3:25 pm: Accountability partners – Mission statements should be posted outside your classroom, office, or Learning Park. Walk around with your Accountability Partner and read other’s mission statements. You can leave a comment with a post-it note if you’d like.

  • 3:30-4:30 pm: Faculty meeting in commons (3:30-3:40 pm-LIM booster, 3:40-3:50-IPI results share-out, 3:55-4:30 pm-Our School Mission/Vision)


-Shawnda gone conference

-Clubs: Craft & Yarn begins, Drama Llamas, Pound Fit, Reading


-Lighthouse team meeting, 7:30 am (Meeting room #1)

-5th Math collaboration day @ WIS-South (Meeting room #2)

-Stacey gone in AM to e-team meeting

-PD plans submitted in Talent Ed

-Special services staffing, 3:40 pm (Meeting room #2)

-Club: Running


-Valic Rep here in AM to visit re: retirement questions (Sign up here using code: 3690WIL11AA)

-Clubs: Harry Potter, Tiger Tones, Math Rocks

-ESL Fall Family Night @ 6:00 pm in commons


-HRA @ WIS-South in Room #200. (**Be sure you have signed up & completed the online health questions-Directions here!!)

-Media Leaders application due

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors:

  • Arrival – Front: Wortman, Bus: Johnson, Vestibule: Farrar

  • Dismissal – Green team+Farrar (2 bus line- Tait & Mize, 2 parent line- Walker & Hutcheson, 1 vestibule with walkers-Farrar)

-Digital Citizenship Week

Monday – Early Out: Action team meetings

Tuesday – 6th Science collaboration day @ WIS-North

Wednesday –

Thursday – 6th Math collaboration day @ WIS-South, Earthquake Drill

Friday – Early dismissal 12:30 pm, Fall Class parties, 1st quarter ends, Springfield Contractors Assoc.-Building Tour @ 9:00 am

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