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Stacey Pippin

Sept. 11-15, 2023


Monday - Dustin Surber

Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Richardson, Carlton; Front: C. Taylor, Bus: Gregory, Hallway: 6-Nelson, 5-Cones

Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Walker, Douglas; Front-Stowe, C. Taylor, Walkers-Mullins)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

WIS shared picture folder: Please add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Instructional Excellence/Career Ladder Input - If you haven’t completed the survey, we would like ALL certified to do so ASAP. We will be getting proposal forms and logs to you this week as we receive your input. IE proposals are due by Sept. 22.

-Social Committee Dues: As payday nears, please turn in social committee dues (Certified-$20, Classified-$10) to Autumn or the office. These funds are used throughout the year to support staff needs & celebrations, honor various staff appreciation days, etc.

-Positive Behavior Supports System: Student names started coming in towards the end of the week, so we’ll plan to have our first drawing on Wed. announcements this week. Then, moving forward they will be announced on Fridays. If they have 10 stamps, they get to fill out a drawing slip to put in the office buckets and add a stamp to the class grid. Our first few drawings will be for: Lunch FastPass (1 week use), VIP Seating at Lunch and a Special Treat.

-NWEA & DRA Testing: Teams should create a list of those absent who need to make-up a test and work to get them completed this week. iTime can be a good time to do this, along with the DRA testing now that we have NWEA scores in. We’ll check in on how it’s going during team meetings this week, but please reach out if you have any questions or need help.

-NWEA Fluency Testing (New!): Samantha has been working on a schedule, identifying students and will have more information coming re: this new testing. The goal is to begin this week during your iTime and/or cross cat teachers will be testing their students. We recognize this may conflict with Chrome Camp and/or DRA testing and will do our best to work through this as we attempt to wrap up all testing by the Sept. 22 deadline.

-Team Meeting Agendas: Agenda for this week’s team meeting is linked. It can also be found on the Dashboard under “Meeting Agendas”. Feel free to add anything you’d like to discuss or have questions about in the team box at the bottom! It’s our hope to be quick and not take the whole time unless needed.

-Chrome Camp schedule: We will go to the library for week 4 of Chrome Camp, our final week.

-Tutoring Schedule: When your team/grade level has determined a tutoring schedule to make available to families, please let Stacey also know. The goal would be to have these by the first of Oct.

-Clubs: If you have a club starting soon, please get the club proposal form to Stacey in order to be approved and added to the school calendar.

-Homecoming: The theme this year is Boot Scootin’ Boogie and the parade is Sept 29. The last week of Sept. will also be Spirit Week leading up to the parade day on the 29th. We’ll plan to share this information with families, but so you can start planning your outfits here are the dress days:

Teaching Tidbits:

As we continue to embed Leader in Me in our daily practice and classroom procedures, this list of "15 Leadership Classroom Must-Haves" (Elementary or Secondary) from the LIM site has lots of great resources to help! Don't forget all the great things you can find there! If you have any trouble logging in, let us know and we'll make sure you've got the right log-in information.

Events This Week


-Remembering Sept. 11th: We will do a moment of silence on the morning annoucements.

-Wear WIS school shirt

-Content meetings: Bring your leadership portfolio & device

-Early Out Meeting: (*Bring Chromebook)

  • 3:10-3:25 pm - Team Connection; Amazing, Ahas & Apologies

  • 3:30-4:00 pm - Leader in Me items (Student Portfolios, WIS Events Calendar, Leadership teams feedback)

  • 4:00-4:30 pm - Action team meetings


-Special Services: Staffing @ 7:45 am (Office meeting room #1)

-Pet Therapy for 6th Grade @ art room from 11:00 am-12:00 pm (Brenna will share more information re: student times)

-6th Team Meetings: Check in (Agenda)

-Chrome Camp Schedule-Week 4 (Wells, Robertson, Walker, Vest)

-Club: Color Guard


-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:20 am

-Chrome Camp Schedule-Week 4 (Barber, Tiller, Hayes)

-Stacey out for E-team meeting in AM

-Specials Team Meetings: Check in (Agenda)

-NKOTB meeting with mentors @ Muller’s room (3:45-4:30 pm)

-Green Team Night @ 5:00 pm (Commons)

-Maroon Team Night @ 6:00 pm (Commons)


-Chrome Camp Schedule-Week 4 (Jessen, Sprinkel, Mullins, Hill)

-5th Team Meetings: Check in (Agenda)

-Samantha out in AM for Educlimber training

-Clubs: Reading & Soundwave begin

-Parent Lighthouse Meeting @ 6:00 pm (Commons)


-Willard pride wear day

-Chrome Camp Schedule-Week 4 (Jump, Bowling)

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival: Breakfast: Schumer, Surber, C. Taylor; Front: Berger, Bus: Hyde, Hallway: 6-Stowe, 5-Cisneros

  • Teal team (Bus- Vest & Hill; Front- Bowling & Nelson; Walkers- Hayes)

Monday – NO SCHOOL: Teacher Professional Day (Agenda coming soon)

Tuesday – Staffing @ 7:45 am (Meeting room #1), Club: Color Guard, IT Professionals Day

Wednesday - Lighthouse Team Meeting @ 7:20 am

Thursday - Clubs: Soundwave & Reading, Navy Team Night @ 6:00 pm

Friday - DRA Scores Due, IE Proposals Due

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