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  • Stacey Pippin

Sept. 21-25, 2020

Arrival: B crew (Vestibule/Breakfast-Wortman, Front-Bryant & Finn, Bus-Bowling, Harron, Stockton, Taylor & Johnson/Berry/Bushnell)

Dismissal: Green team (Bus- Pinnix & Tait, Front-Taylor & Walker, Walkers-Johnson)

Please walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Green team will want to come just before the 2:57/3:27 pm bell. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales

  • Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A WEEK

Specials Session: 3

STEM class location: Innovation Lab

WIS News - Please be sure you are sharing this with your students so they are in the know. This is a great Monday morning activity!

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Picture Day Coming - Oct. 6 we will have student individual pictures. Staff will take their picture before school starts. Information will be going home this week.

-Remote Work Guidance & Expectations - All teachers need to complete this document and turn in to Stacey. This will be kept on file in the event you would need to quarantine and therefore remote teach. Please leave the start/end dates blank and it will be filled out with the appropriate date if needed. Here is a blank copy if you need or want to list different/additional job duties.

-As we prepare for the possibility of remote teaching, we as teachers MUST also take our things home nightly (just like students) in case we weren’t able to be back the next day. Do you take your Chromebook home daily? Leave your classroom prepared for someone else to cover?

-Emergency Drills - Thank you for your efforts to complete our drills last week. I know it was definitely a different way to do it, but appreciated the many conversations I heard with classes to ensure everyone knows what to do and took it seriously. If you haven’t added your completion times, please do so here.

-Seating Charts - If you make any changes for this week, please be sure to update your class and lunch seating chart.

-Positive communication log - Please be sure you have updated all of your contacts made. Each student should have an individual positive contact home made at this point.

-NWEA makeups - We should be wrapped up (or at least very close) with NWEA makeups. If you need any help, please let Shawnda know.

-Team Meetings this week - Due to several conflicts this week Shawnda and Stacey will not be able to attend meetings this week, but will be sending out some information the first part of the week for your team to discuss/prepare for before we meet again.

-Practicum Students - We have 3 practicum students starting this week you may see around the building. Each student will be staying a full day for 4 weeks. They are assigned to the following teams/day: Tues-Green team, Wed-Navy team, Fri-Teal team.

Teaching Tip:

Hispanic Heritage month runs from Sept. 15-Oct. 15. We have around 40 Hispanic students at WIS and many other students that would love the opportunity to learn more about the Hispanic culture. Please let your students know we’ll have a table display of artifacts again in the commons if they’d like to bring something in to share. Here are some other resources as you plan learning opportunities and share about contributions to our country at the team level:

Events This Week


-Content meetings: Be sure you have looked at the agenda and come prepared.

-Early out meeting (Location: Commons):

  • 3:10-3:25 pm: Accountability partners (Continue conversations re: mission statements, personal goals for 1st semester)

  • 3:25-3:30 pm: Staff Activity (Bring your cell phone!)

  • 3:35-4:30 pm: Action team meetings


-Stacey out for Virtual MLDS meeting (9:00-11:30 am)

-Conscious Discipline E-Course Discussion for those staff participating (6:00-7:00 pm)


-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am (Tech Cafe)

-Stacey and Rhonda Drake out of the building today for training (Beth Johnson & Emily Gifford will be in the office. Please keep in mind they will be short-handed.)

-Shawnda out for virtual MTSS meeting all day

-Pioneers (9:00-11:30 am)


-Special Services Staffing @ 7:30-8:00 am (Sped Office-Room 201)

-Shawnda out for virtual MTSS meeting all day


-Fall DRA/NWEA scores due

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Front: Douglas & Wilson, Bus: A Crew, Vestibule: Fisher

  • Dismissal – Teal team (Bus: Vest & Wolf, Front: Raby & Hayes, Walkers: Maddeaux)

Monday – Homecoming-Back to Bed: PJ Day, Early out: Staff meeting, Green team-DARE begins

Tuesday – Homecoming-Into the Future: Career Day, Team meetings-Green & Teal

Wednesday – Homecoming-Back to the Old West: Western Wear Day, Stacey out in AM-Lead team meeting

Thursday – Homecoming-Throwback to 80’s: Decade Day, Team meetings-Navy & Maroon

Friday - Homecoming-Going to the Game: Willard Wear, Smokin’ Wheels food truck here for staff, PM: Staff Meeting-TBA

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