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Stacey Pippin

Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2021

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Arrival: Breakfast: Bauer Front: Johnson & Surber Bus: Berger

Dismissal: Navy team - (Bus- Steinbach & Tutton, Front- Cones & Muller, Walkers-Bauer)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:00-Teal & Green, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:31-Teal & Green, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week

News Show:

The news show is back again this week! Please share this with your students at the first of our week. Our media leaders and Mr. Stockton have worked hard and have a lot of great stories included!

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

WIS shared picture folder - Did you take some Homecoming pics last week? Be sure and add them in the folder for us!

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Teacher WIGs - Congratulations if you met your goal last week on both lead measures! That's awesome! :) No fear if you didn’t. It was a quick week. Our students have a few more people to touch base with on Monday. Then, you should see our results posted in the Tiger Den. Thanks to Becca Douglas and Jennifer Walker for putting this great bulletin board together for us!! Make a plan this week and let’s see if we can ALL reach our goal. :)

-Student survey - We will have a 1 question survey we'll email to you to complete with the students Mon. or Tues. This will help give us a baseline for our WIG and a way to measure throughout the 4 weeks.

-Emergency Drills - We have completed our drills for 1st semester. Thanks to everyone for your time and efforts to visit with your students about each one to make sure we were prepared. Things went very smoothly because of this!

-Seating charts - Please double check that yours are up-to-date.

-Very sad news-Christy Tree will be leaving WIS soon. Her last day will be Oct. 7 as she’s accepted a new position. Although she is going to be missed immensely, we wish her the best of luck in her new endeavors.

-Bathrooms - We have a high volume of students taking restroom breaks outside of the scheduled class times. Please discuss with your students and limit these times to only emergencies. One suggestion is to give each student 2 emergency bathroom passes for the week. Then, set a goal for having them left at the end of the week for an incentive.

-Recess Supervision - Please be sure teachers are covering the whole playground and students are being safe on the equipment. We’ve had several injuries already. It would be helpful to mark off zone areas for each person supervising.

-Fall Picture Day details for Tuesday:

  • Cameras will be set up in the middle grade level areas between teams.

  • Staff should get individual pictures also for yearbook. Please try to do these before school.

  • Green and maroon teams will begin first as soon as you're ready. If cameras are set up, students could even start before the tardy bell. When 1st teams are done, please let the next team know to begin.

Teacher Tips, Tidbits & Teaching:

SEL and growth mindset is something we are all aware are major needs for our students. A great way to help teach some of these skills is through books. Here is a Top 10 list of books about growth mindset. I know Mr. Stockton has a few in the library. I’ve even got a couple on my bookshelf if you want to try one!

Events This Week


-5th DARE (Schedule)

-Share weekly news show (It's been a couple weeks since we had a new one!)

-Early Out Staff Meeting:

  • 3:10-3:25 - Accountability Partner Activity

  • 3:30-4:30 - Action team meetings

    • Complete action plans and work time


-Special services staffing @ 7:45 am (Main office-meeting room #1)

-Fall Picture Day in morning

-6th grade team meetings


-Student Lighthouse team applications due (Applications can be found in LMC Google Classroom)

-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:20 am (Location: Shawnda’s room)


-Stacey out for district MTSS meeting (1:00-3:00 pm)

-Specials team meeting (Stacey will not be able to attend)

-Club: Paris (AM), Youth Hunting & Fishing


-IE proposals due

-5th grade team meetings

-Social Committee meeting @ 3:50 pm

-Clubs: Anime (7:40 am), Tiger Tones


NO SCHOOL - Fall Break, Oct 1-5 (Oct. 5-Teacher District Professional Learning Day)


Custodian Appreciation Day - Since we're not in school, we will celebrate our fabulous custodians on Tues., Oct. 5. ;)

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Breakfast: Herbert Front: Stowe & Berger Bus: Surber

  • Dismissal – Green team (Bus-Walker & Herbert, Front- Tait & Stowe, Walkers-Taylor)

Monday – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday – NO SCHOOL-Teacher District PD day (Schedule TBA soon)

Wednesday - Stacey/Shawnda out in AM-Super Lead Team meeting, Club: Youth Hunting & Fishing

Thursday - Beth Out, Christy’s Last Day, Club: Anime & Tiger Tones

Friday - Beth Out, Stowe Out Title meeting (1-3:30 pm)

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