Tuesday - Susan Gillette
Arrival: B crew (Vestibule/Breakfast-Wortman, Front-Bryant & Finn, Bus-Bowling, Harron, Stockton, Taylor & Johnson/Berry/Bushnell)
Dismissal: Maroon team (Bus- Bartels & Jessen, Front- Herron & Anderson, Walkers-Douglas)
Please continue to walk your class to bus/pickup to ensure all get where they should without any stops. Maroon team will want to split up between bus/front for supervision and come just before the 3:27 pm bell. Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales dismissal:
Monday: 2:57-Navy, 2:59-Maroon, 3:01-Green, 3:03-Teal, 3:05-Walker/Tiger Tales
Tues-Fri: 3:27-Navy, 3:29-Maroon, 3:31-Green, 3:33-Teal, 3:35-Walker/Tiger Tales
Mon. Library/Counseling: No Monday classes this week. Next week will be B WEEK.
STEM class location: Innovation Lab
Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-Seating Charts - Don’t forget to get Stacey an updated copy of your class seating chart if you haven’t. If you have made changes on the digital copies of class or lunch seating chart, please be sure to let her know to update print-outs. Please keep these changes to a minimum and ONLY done on Mondays.
-Positive communication home - Don’t forget to be making your positive phone calls home and update the communication log. All families should be contacted during the first 3 weeks of school.
-COVID-19 updates: Some additions have been made on our WIS Start Strong document after last week's Lead Team meeting that will be important to look over. All new information is highlighted in orange on the first 4 pages of the document.
-Virtual teaching/IE hours: We are looking for a teacher that might be interested in offering 5 hours a week virtual general education learning to some of our special services students doing virtual right now. Compensation would be through IE hours. If you are interested in learning more, please let Stacey know.
-Instructional Excellence proposals are due by Sept. 18. All certified staff are eligible this year if you choose to participate.
-Ozarks Literacy Council Trivia Night on Sept. 17 - We’ve had a couple people express interest. Any others? We need 8 people to enter a team. Stacey’s mom will sponsor us - It’s free fun and we could win great prizes! The theme this year is tropical. Let Stacey know!
-Staff Favorites - Many have expressed interest in the staff list of favorites as they reach out to say thanks to others. I will also link this on the forms/resources page of the blog too for future reference.
-Tutoring Schedule - Please get your team’s tutoring schedule to Stacey soon. We’d like all tutoring to begin by the week of Sept. 28 at the latest as all beginning testing will be completed. (Green team - have yours, thank you!)
Teaching Tip:
With the third week of school upon us, students are now more comfortable and I notice some are beginning to exhibit behaviors and test relationships/boundaries. It’s ever more important to continue to intentionally build in time during the day for relationship building and ways to empower your students to create ownership and belonging. What do you have written into your lesson plans this week to make that happen? Who are you planning to reach out to and spend more time with this week? What procedures/routines do you need to continue teaching because they aren’t as effective as you desire yet? If you don’t have this written in your plans this week, it’s important to do so!
Check out this article from Edutopia, “7 Classroom Management Mistakes - and the Research on How to Fix Them” for some great reminders and support. A positive classroom and school culture where high expectations are met doesn’t come easily. It takes intentionality every day and patience by us to support our students in getting there!
Events This Week
-NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
-Team Meetings: Green & Teal (Topic: DRA/NWEA testing plan &/or iTime routines/procedures)
-NWEA-ELA: Maroon Team (9-10:50 am)
-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:30 am (Tech Cafe)
-NWEA-Math: Maroon Team (9-10:50 am)
-NWEA-ELA: Teal Team (9-10:50 am)
-NWEA-ELA: Green Team (10-11:50 am)
-NWEA-ELA: Navy Team (1-2:40 pm)
-Pioneers Begin (12:30-3:00 pm) ***Note time change due to NWEA testing.***
-Stacey out for e-team meeting (1-3:30 pm)
-Google Meets training with Shawnda (3:45-4:45 pm @ Tech Cafe)
-Special Services Staffing @ 7:30-8:00 am (Sped Office-Room 201) (*Permanent change to Thursdays)
-Team Meetings: Navy & Maroon (Topic: DRA/NWEA testing plan &/or iTime routines/procedures)
-NWEA-Science: Maroon Team (9-10:50 am)
-NWEA-Math: Teal Team (9-10:50 am)
-NWEA-Math: Navy Team (1-2:40 pm)
-New Teacher & Mentors Cohort Meeting (4-5:30 pm @ Tech Cafe)
-NWEA-Science: Teal Team (9-10:50 am)
-NWEA-Math: Green Team (10-11:50 am)
-NWEA-Science: Navy Team (1-2:40 pm)
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--
Arrival – Front: Douglas & Wilson , Bus: A Crew, Vestibule: Fisher
Dismissal – Navy team (Bus: Muller & Cones , Front: Steinbach & Tutton, Walkers: Bryant)
-NWEA/DRA testing continues
Monday – Early out: District meetings (Topic TBA: Behavior supports or Virtual learning)
Tuesday – NWEA-Science: Green Team (10-11:50 am)
Wednesday – Super Lead Team meeting, 9-12:30 pm (Shawnda & Stacey out)
Thursday –
Friday - IE proposals due