Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:
Front-Johnson, Bus-Farrar, Vestibule-Wortman, Commons/Breakfast-Crain
Expectations: Arrive by 8:10 am. Front greeter is outside at parent line welcoming students until tardy bell. Commons/vestibule greets students prior to 8:15 am in the vestibule allowing breakfast eaters to go at 8:10 am, then the rest to class at 8:15 am, then continues greeting as students come in/breakfast. Bus helps welcome students as they get off the bus.
Front & Bus: Green team (2 bus line- Farrar & Tait, 2 parent line- Walker & Hutcheson, 1 vestibule with walkers-Mize)
Expectations: Arrive just before dismissal bell rings. 2 team members assist with bus release, 2 team members lead parent pick-up line outside and 1 team member stays in the vestibule with walkers/bike riders. (Bike riders/walkers going northeast may release to Stacey upon buses leaving. The other walkers may release when car traffic is down to minimal.)
Tuesday – Shawnda Minor
Wednesday – Keith Brandt
Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week
STEM class location: Tech Cafe
Nuts and Bolts Items:
-WIS-South Float – We are needing quite a bit of help on T/Th evening to get our float put together and would love to have everyone in attendance so it goes fast! Also, each team will be completing two film strip posters by Wed. Remember, Mrs. Berger has offered her room for students to complete this from 2:15-3:30 pm if you need help and/or supplies. Have any donations we’re looking for to complete our float? Be sure to let Paige/Annette know!
**Parent/Teacher conferences – Conferences will be held Thurs. Oct. 23 and Tues. Oct. 29. This is a change due to Oct. 31 being Halloween. All certified staff will stay these evenings for their scheduled conferences.
-IPI Categories – This link will take you to the categories for IPI that were shared at last week’s faculty meeting.
-Emergency procedures – This link is to the intruder drill specifics and copy of parent email that was sent re: drills for your information.
-Magic erasers: In order to help keep our walls, etc. cleaner, each classroom teacher will receive a magic eraser in your mailbox. Please use caution with these so as not to scrub the walls too hard.
New balls, connect 4, Jenga, etc. have been placed just inside the recess doors on the 6th grade side. These are for everyone's use.
Please supervise the basketball court closely as the games seem to be getting pretty competitive.
Also, monitor students out by houses to ensure items are not getting thrown over the fences.
-Class parties: Homeroom parent information will be coming soon, but mark down the dates for this year’s parties:
Fall party – Oct. 18 (Early Out)
Valentine’s party – Feb. 14 (Early Out)
Leader in Me Moment:
As we continue to focus on creating a Personal Mission Statement, we will focus on discovering who you are through Self-Awareness, Imagination, and Confidence this week. Remember to record these responses with last weeks reflections.
Self-Awareness Reflection:
· I am at my best when:
· I am at my worst when:
· What do I really love to do at work?
· What do I really love to do in my personal time?
· My natural talents and gifts are:
Imagination Reflection:
· If I had unlimited time and resources, what would I chose to do?
· Possible life goals for me are:
· I want to be a person who:
Conscience Reflection:
· What do I consider to be my most important future contribution to others?
· Are there things I feel I should really do, even though I may have dismissed such thoughts many times? What are they?
Events This Week
-Homecoming Spirit: PJ Day
-Early Out meeting:
3:05-3:25 pm: Accountability partners – This week choose one reflection area to share with your accountability partner and discuss how this shapes who you are and what you want for your life.
3:30-4:30 pm: Action team meetings (Locations)
-Club: Speech & Debate begins
-Green team night @ 5:30 pm
-Homecoming Spirit: Hero v. Villain
-Maroon team night @ 6:00 pm
-Clubs: Pound Fit begins, Reading
-Float work time after school
-Action teams coaching time with Luciana. Location: Meeting room #1.
Action Team Meeting Schedule:
8:15-9:45 am - Professional Learning
10:00-11:30 am - Student Learning
12:00-1:30 pm - Leadership Events
1:45-3:15 pm - Leadership Environment
-Homecoming Spirit: Western Wear
-Lighthouse team meeting, 7:00 am in meeting room #1
-Reading Scores and Criteria Sheets Due
-Stacey out of the building in AM – Lead team meeting
-Special services staffing, 3:40 pm in meeting room #2
-Navy Team – Root Beer Float Social after school
-Club: Running
-Homecoming Spirit: Disney Day
-Intruder Drill @ 1:00 pm (Please see directions above under “Nuts & Bolts” re: specifics to share with students. Our scenario will be if an intruder enters the main office doors. First, discuss with your students how you would do a hard lockdown, then evacuate to your fire location outside for your rally point as we will not be practicing the final WOHE destination.)
-School Board meeting @ 7:00 pm
-TEPS dinner
-Clubs: Tiger Tones, Math Rocks
-Float work time after school
Friday – Early Dismissal @ 12:32 pm
-Homecoming Spirit: Willard Wear
-Homecoming Parade @ 10:00 am (Will let you know pick-up time as soon as I hear back!)
-MAP for WIS-South location during parade
-Sack lunches when we return (hopefully keeping the same lunch times as usual)
-Teacher PD: Schedule TBA very soon!
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Greeters/Goodbye Connectors:
· Arrival – Front: Fisher, Bus: Blankenship, Vestibule: Douglas
· Dismissal – Maroon team (2 bus line- Anderson & Mayes, 2 parent line- Herron & Cones, 1 vestibule with walkers-Douglas)
Monday – Early Out: District PD re: Critical Thinking, DARE begins-Navy Team
Tuesday – 5th Field Trip to Wilson’s Creek Battlefield
Wednesday – IPI data collection #1, Lighthouse team meeting in AM
Thursday – Fall Picture Day
Friday –