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Stacey Pippin

September 23-27, 2019

Greeter/Goodbye Connectors:


Front-Fisher, Bus-Blankenship, Vestibule-Douglas, Commons/Breakfast-Crain

  • Expectations: Arrive by 8:10 am. Front greeter is outside at parent line welcoming students until tardy bell. Commons/vestibule greets students prior to 8:15 am in the vestibule allowing breakfast eaters to go at 8:10 am, then the rest to class at 8:15 am, then continues greeting as students come in/breakfast. Bus helps welcome students as they get off the bus.


Front & Bus: Maroon team (2 bus line- Anderson & Mayes, 2 parent line-Herron & Cones, 1 vestibule with walkers-Douglas)

  • Expectations: Arrive just before dismissal bell rings. 2 team members assist with bus release, 2 team members lead parent pick-up line outside and 1 team member stays in the vestibule with walkers/bike riders. (Bike riders/walkers going northeast may release to Stacey upon buses leaving. The other walkers may release when car traffic is down to minimal.)


Friday – Tessa Larsen

Saturday – Tracy DuBuque

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: A week

STEM class location: Tech Cafe (*Bring Chromebook and earbuds to class!*)

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

LIM lesson calendar – Here is the link again to the calendar of lessons shared by our Student Learning Action Team. This can also be found in your Team Drive – WIS-S Lighthouse Team folder.

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Staff blog link – For some reason, there may have been a change in the link for this since the beginning of the year. If you are having trouble with the bookmark, please try this new link instead.

-Leader in Me – In order to get the teacher access to the LIM web site Miss Bartels shared on Friday, please follow the following directions to create your account:

  • Go to:

  • Choose "Member Login" in top right corner.

  • Choose "Register-Sign up with a Registration Code"

  • Then, "Use My Registration Code"

  • Enter code: FC7D00D and your personal information

-Mark your calendar: 1st quarter grades will be due at the end of the day Sun., Sept. 20th.

-Safe schools videos – Do you have these completed? If not, I recommend finding time this week to get them taken care of and off your to do list!

Leader in Me Moment:

Our focus has been on building and maintaining a personal mission statement this month. This week we continue to use Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind, The Habit of Personal Vision. The Highly Effective Paradigm is clearly defining a vision and purpose for your life will make all the difference.

This week the focus is on creating your Personal Mission Statement. Take some time to look over your reflections from the past two weeks to put together a statement you feel best defines who you are and where you want to go in life.

Teacher Tidbit:

As we celebrate Heritage month, check out this list of books about Latina girls or women that will empower all of us! Don't forget to bring in items to put on our display in the commons.

Events This Week


-DARE begins-Navy team (Location: Navy learning park. Times-8:40-9:30 am: Bartels/Steinbach, 9:35-10:25 am: Muller/Tutton)

-Rhonda Drake is out today / Teresa will be here all day to help

-Early Out meeting:

  • 3:05-3:25 pm: Accountability partners – Share your thoughts on where you are with your personal mission statement. If you have yours completed, share it with your partner.

  • 3:30-4:30 pm: District PD-Critical Thinking in Media Center (Please bring a clipboard or something to write on.)


-5th Field Trip to Wilson’s Creek Battlefield

-Send home picture reminder forms today

-Clubs: Pound Fit, Drama Llamas, Reading


-Lighthouse team meeting, 7:30 am in meeting room #1

-IPI data collection #1

-Special services staffing, 3:40 pm in meeting room #2

-Club: Running


-Staff Pictures begin at 7:30 am (We would like ALL staff to get their picture taken this morning. If you are absent, you will need to do so on picture retakes.)

-Fall Picture Day (Location: Shared space between teams that go to the outdoor learning areas-will be on BOTH 5 & 6 sides. We’ll call your class when we’re ready for you.)

-5th ELA/SS collaboration day @ WIS-North

-Coaching with Luciana in Meeting room #1 (Action teams: 12-1:30 pm-Student leadership, 1:45-3:15 pm-Family learning)

-Clubs: Tiger Tones, Math Rocks


A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors:

  • Arrival – Front: Gehring, Bus: Maddeaux, Vestibule: Larsen

  • Dismissal – Teal team (2 bus line- Raby & Larsen, 2 parent line- Wolf & Hayes, 1 vestibule with walkers-DuBuque)

Monday – Early Out: Content meetings, IE Proposals due

Tuesday –

Wednesday – 5th Guest Speaker: Judy Domeny

Thursday – 5th Science collaboration day, Stacey out-surgery (Gehring filling in)

Friday – Stacey out-surgery (Gehring filling in)

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