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Stacey Pippin

September 23-27, 2024

Arrival:  Breakfast: Nelson, B. Davis; Front: Cones, Bus: Berger, Hallway: 6-Larsen, 5-Douglas

Dismissal: Navy team (Bus-Jump & Larsen; Front-Wedgeworth & Walker (Tiller); Walkers-J. Davis)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Teal & Green, 3:00-Maroon & Navy, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Teal & Green, 3:31-Maroon & Navy, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: B week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day and/or communicate to Autumn before the day of announcement.

WIS shared picture folder: PLEASE add your pictures throughout the year to our folder. This is used for our yearbook and social media posts to tell our story!

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-IE Reminder: If you would like to participate in Instructional Excellence, please be sure to submit your proposal today, Sept. 23. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions on how to do this!

-NWEA: We got word Fri. afternoon that NWEA will be open through Tues. as there were quite a bit of makeups throughout the district due to sickness. This will enable us to hopefully get more complete!

-Team Newsletter: It’s crazy to think next week will be the first of October. It’s time to get your team’s newsletter ready to send out too!

-Counseling: Please have your students bring their Chromebooks to counseling EACH week.

-Tutoring Schedule: As your team determines their tutoring schedule, please add the information here so the office is able to answer any parent questions throughout the day. As a reminder, teams should offer at least 2 opportunities throughout the week for support and all teammates share in this. Feel free to work amongst the grade level contents too!

-Staff BBQ Friday: We'd love for you to join us for a staff lunch on Friday. Please sign up to bring something and bring your lawn chair.

-Practicum Schedule: If you have a practicum student, please be sure we have their name and schedule listed on this document. Thanks!

-Social Committee: We just had payday…that’s a GREAT time to pay your dues if you haven’t yet. (Certified-$20, Classified-$10)

-AM/PM Duty Schedule: Please see the updated schedule as we've had to make a few changes again in order to ensure we've got adequate coverage for arrival and dismissal. Any help during these times is greatly appreciated!

-Student Leadership Teams Presentation: Be sure to share with your class sometime this week about our leadership teams. Then, have them complete the form choosing 3 teams they would like to serve on. For additional information, see Dustin's email on Sept. 18.

-Sonic Challenge: We've made some great progress towards our goal! Be sure you have highlighted those families you've made contact with in the teachers' lounge. Only 2 more weeks left of our challenge!!

Events This Week


-Homecoming Spirit Day: American Dream-PJ day

-IE proposals due

-Counseling (Students need to bring their Chromebook EACH week.)

-Early out meeting: 

  • 3:10-3:25 pm - Family Groups

  • 3:25-4:15 pm - Faculty Meeting: Topics-PD goals, Check in on Personal WIG Goals, Leadership Portfolios, 1T1W

    • Please bring: Personal goal or picture of it, Chromebook, Leadership Portfolio (new teachers will receive binder today)


-Homecoming Spirit Day: Team USA-Jersey Day

**This is a heavy sub day! We will likely need all hands on deck to cover.

-Special Services Staffing @ 7:45 am

-6th ELA Collaboration Day

-District PLT Meeting @ 4:00 pm

-Clubs: STEM-Session 1, Color Guard

-6th Team Night @ 6:00 pm


-Homecoming Spirit Day: Western Wed-Western Wear

-Lighthouse Team Meeting @ 7:20 am (Muller’s room)


-Homecoming Spirit Day: Duck Dynasty-Camo Day

-5th/6th Pioneers

-One Team, One Willard Walk @ 10:00 am

-Club: Tiger Tones, Reading & Drama Llamas begins


**If you have a practicum student that comes today, please let them know to reschedule or skip this week!**

-Homecoming Spirit Day: Freedom Friday-Wear Red, White and Blue

-Early Dismissal @ 12:30 pm

-District Homecoming Parade @ 10:00 am (Details)

-Last day for Mums Fundraiser

-Afternoon Schedule:

  • 12:30-1:15 pm-Staff Lunch (Sign-up, Bring your chair and we'll eat no patio outside the art room.)

  • 1:30-3:00 pm-Building MAP Data Dig

  • 3:00-3:30 pm-Open work time

A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival:  Breakfast: Surber, Richardson; Front: Gregory, Bus: Farmer, Hallway: 6-Stowe, 5-Larsen

  • Dismissal: Green team (Bus-Cochran & Stowe; Front-Vest & Richardson ; Walkers-Meadows)

Monday – NO SCHOOL: Professional Learning day (AM-@ HS, PM-Building work time-Schedule coming soon!), Welcome Back, Mrs. Walker!

Tuesday – Sped Staffing @ 7:45 am, Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Kicks off, 5th Team Night @ 6:00 pm, Clubs: Color Guard, STEM, Cheer begins

Wednesday - National Custodians Appreciation Day, Lighthouse Team meeting @ 7:20 am, Stacey out in AM for Lead Team Meeting, Club: Origami begins, NKOTB meeting with Mentors @ 3:45 pm

Thursday - Community Time @ 8:40 am, Club: Tiger Tones, Reading, Parent Lighthouse Meeting @ 6 pm

Friday - Fall Picture Day (individual pictures-staff & students)

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