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  • Stacey Pippin

September 7-10, 2021

Updated: Sep 6, 2021


Wednesday - Susan Gillette

Saturday - Dustin Surber

Arrival: Breakfast: Stowe, Front: Herbert & Surber, Bus: Harron

Dismissal: Green Team (Bus-Walker & Herbert, Front-Tait & Stowe, Walkers-Taylor)

Bells will ring for each team + walker/Tiger Tales/club dismissal:

  • Monday: 2:58 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:00-Teal & Green, 3:02-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

  • Tues-Fri: 3:29 pm-Maroon & Navy, 3:31-Teal & Green, 3:33-Walker/Tiger Tales/Club

Mon. Library/Counseling Week: Next week will be B week

Morning Announcements: Please add things you would like to have added to our morning announcements on the appropriate day.

Weekly News Show:

WIS shared picture folder - This folder is a place to include classroom and staff pictures throughout the year. It is also linked on our dashboard. We encourage everyone to add to this! Feel free to make a folder

Nuts and Bolts Items:

-Staff September Check-In - Please complete this short survey.

-Seating charts - Please be sure your class & lunch seating charts are up-to-date on the dashboard when any changes are made. We know it is likely some will happen this week. Every class MUST have these on file. Also, clubs that will begin this week need seating charts.

-Student messages - Make sure to check end-of-day messages DAILY. We've had several messages not get delivered causing problems for our parents. You should have also let the office know of a point person to receive last minute messages for your team. Thank you!

-Parent pick-up expectation- Please share the following expectations with students regarding parent pick-up after school. Staff on duty may also reiterate these expectations. Big thanks to Christy for taking the time to put this down on paper to help us be more consistent!

-NWEA Schedule - NWEA & DRA testing begins this week. Please be aware of other team testing times and remain quiet during transitions. Our first team begins on Tuesday. It’s also important to visit with your students regarding the importance of these tests and giving their best effort.

-Club Sponsors - As we begin clubs this week, please try your best to seat students by teams. Also, be sure to upload a seating chart in the “Clubs Seating Chart” folder.

-Move-It Monday - Special class teachers will pick-up & drop-off students for Move-It Mondays. This will allow classroom teachers the most planning time with their content.

-Walkie talkies-Please be sure you have changed to Channel 4. Also, to have these on you when you are outside of your classroom so the office can get ahold of you easily if needed. In the event of needing immediate assistance, you may announce this and location, but please do not give student names for confidentiality.

-WIS school shirt online orders - Orders are no longer being accepted; however, if staff did not get to order we can accept your order and $ in the office TUESDAY ONLY.

-Homecoming - Although we will not be doing the Willard parade again this year, we are still planning some fun for students next week. Spirit week days should be announced by the high school SGA soon. We also plan to have high school greeters Mon-Thurs. morning as students arrive. Finally, we are hoping to have a mini-parade here at WIS, tentatively on Thurs. morning the 16th. The plan is to have classes line the bus parking lot in the grass. Then, the drum line will lead our football players and cheerleaders around the bus lot.

-Safe School/ALICE videos - We got an email last week an additional video was added re: Title IX. Please make sure you have all of these completed. I know I thought I was done, but had a few more I didn’t realize!

-Chrome Camp Schedule - Classes will be participating in week #3 of Chrome Camp with Mr. Stockton. Please see the schedule for your homeroom class time.

-Trauma-informed virtual online academy- Do you have the Basic-Track 1 (ACES & Trauma Awareness) complete? We will begin Track 2-Dysregulation next week.

Teacher Tech Tips:

Did you know there is an add-on that helps you turn your Google document into a Slides presentation? Check out Doc to Slides by Schoolytics to learn how it works!

Events This Week


NO SCHOOL: Labor Day


-Special services staffing @ 7:45 am (Main office-meeting room #1)

-BOE Study Session

-Club: Drama Llamas begin at 3:35 pm (Music room)


-Lighthouse team meeting @ 7:20 am (Location: Shawnda’s room)

-Pioneers Begins

-**Celebration Walk has been moved to NEXT Wed., Sept. 15 due to NWEA testing

-Stacey will be out from 10:00-12:00 pm participating in Celebration Walk at WOHE



  • Anime Club begins @ 7:40 am

  • Tiger Tones begins @ 3:35 pm


-Fire Drill @ 1:35 pm


A Look Ahead to Next Week:

Greeters/Goodbye Connectors--

  • Arrival – Breakfast: Douglas, Front: Fisher & Harron, Bus: Bennett

  • Dismissal – Teal team (Bus-Hayes & Tiller, Front- Vest & Maddeaux, Walkers-Bartels)

Homecoming Spirit Week - Details coming soon!

Monday – 5th DARE begins, Content meetings, 6th ELA teachers-Impact team training @ district office (8:30 am-3:00 pm), Early Out Meeting: Content virtual collaboration time with WIS-North

Tuesday – 5th ELA teachers-Impact team training @ district office (8:30 am-3:00 pm)

Wednesday - Building Celebration Walk (1:00-2:30 pm), Stacey/Shawnda out in AM-Super Lead team meeting, Club: Youth Hunting & Fishing begins

Thursday - Tentative-AM mini-parade in bus parking lot, Clubs: Anime, Tiger Tones, School board meeting

Friday - Homecoming-Early Dismissal 12:30 pm, See early out schedule, Tornado Drill @ 9:45 am, Afternoon PD-

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