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  • Stacey Pippin

WIS-South Staff Updates: Apr. 10, 2020

Hope everyone has had a great week and adjusting to this 'new normal'. With the announcement made yesterday, we (and our families) are all a little emotional, and uncertain as to what this means for each of us. As our week winds down, we wanted to check in, share some updates and make sure you know Shawnda and I are here to offer support however we can.

Wrapping up this week

-Talent Ed items:

  • SLO - Good news, these have now been waived due to our current circumstances!

  • Teacher input and self-reflections should be completed.

  • DGH hours - Don't forget, if you attended the Leader in Me training on May 28, 2019 this counts as your 6 hours! If not and needing hours, there were some things shared last week in the blog and by Kelsey. Shawnda and I are also working on some possible virtual opportunities.

  • Need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to Shawnda or Stacey.

-Student contacts:

  • Hopefully you've wrapped up your contacts this week and were able to reach more of the students we weren't able to. Please be sure to update your attempts/calls made on the spreadsheet shared with Stacey. We will be finalizing this information to share with district office and make next steps with those we haven't been able to reach. We are also taking stock of internet and device access as we look at possible Phase 3 options.

-Phase 2 FAQ document from the district has been updated to include responses to the questions.

Looking to next week

-Continue Phase 2:

  • Collaborating as a team to lighten the burden and help minimize contact. (don't forget to include Stacey-preferably before sending out)

  • Remember when communicating to limit emails/notifications to 2-3 times a week. (SeeSaw/Google Classroom send out an email notification each time you post, so keep that in mind!)

  • Do not send emails after 3:00pm on Fridays or before 8:00 am on Mondays - Working from home, we're all trying to set boundaries!

  • When sending a group email to students/families: Privacy is a major concern! Use SIS or SeeSaw to eliminate risk. (See directions for SIS)

  • If you must use Google Mail, put email addresses in bcc (this keeps other recipients from seeing who is included and limits the Reply All to only you and those in the cc line (which would include Stacey and other staff members as needed).

  • Zoom/Video Conferencing - New updates/safety features in place. Any issues? Need more support/someone to sit in with you? Here's some great ideas you can do with students.

  • Google Classroom and SeeSaw are great ways to provide additional support. Kelsey has offered guidance here, or Shawnda is happy to assist! This is a great time to become more familiar with SeeSaw before next year.

  • Have you received any feedback from families about the Phase 2 Flex Learning? Anything you need help in addressing?

-Team meetings with Shawnda/Stacey:

  • We'd like to meet with each team to check-in, summarize student contacts made at this point before reporting this information to district office and discuss what we know about Phase 3 possibilities.

  • See meeting times below in "Calendar Items".

Where are we heading with Phase 3?

-Phase 3 is still in the works. While we don't know all of the details, we do know that we will move from extended flexible learning (choice boards) to an enhanced version. What might that entail? Not completely sure yet, but I can assure you there is a lot of thought and consideration going into this. We are blessed to have an administration looking out for our entire team/community in this process.

Calendar Items: -Monday: NO SCHOOL or food deliveries. GRAB & GO MEALS WILL BE SERVED AT OUR BUILDING!

-Wednesday, April 15 - Team meetings:

(We will send out a calendar invite for the Zoom meeting very soon! )

  • 9:00 am - Teal team

  • 10:00 am - Navy team

  • 11:45 am - Green team

  • 12:45 pm - Specials team

  • 1:45 pm - Maroon team

I started with a tough one from Gerry Brooks, but want to end with a creative one that may make you laugh a little...

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter and hope your weekend is a good one! We look forward to seeing your faces next week. :)

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